Magipoka hentai doujin [English] : Oishii Oniku, by Takaoka Motofumi
I don’t know how to “judge” this Magipoka hentai doujin… On the one hand, it’s not bad in itself, but on the other hand, how could I not compare it to Harem Tune and Harem Tune Cos Genteiban, two other excellent masterpieces by the same artist ? It’s a cruel comparison. I know I over-use the expression, but well, see and decides by yourselves, will you ? My thanks go to Yoroshii, and, if you’ll allow me an additional link, my preference, if you want a Magipoka doujin, would go to the Studio Katsudon version |
There’s much more, Cf. Takaoka Motufumi’s Works on hentairules
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wtf i have to wait 30 min for sharametrix? its counting what i dled yesterday and the day befor that or something ive only dled once per day from there zzzz
I've never seen the anime, but I've always thought Liru looked cute. Too bad the author gave her four ears.
I've seen some of Magipoka, but not a lot of it.
It was quite funny, from what I saw. The episode I remember most was one where they got a whole bunch of this awful-tasting beverage. Rather than have it go to waste, they would play cruel I Spy type games. Everytime somebody lost, everyone else would get sadistically evil looks on their faces and force the horrified loser to drink. Then of course, just as soon as one of the winners was feeling real prideful, they'd slip up and the tables would turn. Classic.
So I'm left wondering what kind of cat-girl is she, tabby, calico? The mind races, thanks for the upload.