POLL : did the hentai mangas and videos help you develop a more varied sexual life ?
I wonder how much the hentai mangas and doujinshi you’ve read, the videos you’ve seen, could have “impacted” your real life…
The question might be cruel for the single persons, I’m sorry if this poll hurts you (to the single persons, bluntly : try using a water-based lube and being single will never be the same, and a heating lube even better – Durex Play Heat is the easiest to find in public drugstores and shops, and online sex shops will offer you several others).
Personally, the hentai universe and the real world didn’t interfere with each other until one week ago, when a comment posted by Zathael in a comment on one of my shares about an erotic game, sort of, well, hit the jackpot at home. Thank you so much, man. I also recently posted a manga about being dominant or being dominated, and the comments were interesting
I’d feel even better if I knew my shares contributed to helping people have a richer sex life – but I guess it would be asking too much
Anyway, here’s the poll !

Does sex with a different manga each day count as varied?
No links to said Comment from Zathael? Sad panda :(.
Zath's comment can be found in this thread:http://www.hentairules.net/2010/04/27/nawashi-eng…
Not a great deal of impact but providing you have abit of common sense, you can use a little of what you see in some of them in your own sex life.
well i've found afew things work, while others dont, but hentai is no where near as good as reference as porn.
Impossible to tell, because I didn't have one before I picked up hentai stuff.
Although I did find out I enjoy watching girls get off, which I've applied to my now actually existing sex-life, which seems appreciated by my girlfriend.
So… maybe?
Thanks Setebos, I couldn't find it because I misunderstood Olivers (a little bit chaotic?) sentence. I thought he meant it would be in the comments of a post about an Eroge-Game.
And btw, big thanks for all the stuff you do around here Setebos!
I think that what you read reflects the kind of desires you might have in real life. For example, have you ever heard that the way you eat is a lot like the way you behave in sex? If you eat slowly, paying attention to each tasting and flavor, you might be the same with your partner. So, even if you don´t apply it in real life, it can help you to know yourself better, and the things you are interested in. My personal experience is that the most effective catalyser when being with the other is good communication. The rest is having a good amount of knowledge (And I think hentai really helps in this matter. Not only there are a lot of different categories, but combinations between each other!) and of course, trust to know you won´t do something that wasn´t asked for.
Not at all . Hentai just help me net go out and rape anny girl ( that's best =D ) , and when i look at a sexy or beautiful girls and my girl friend , i can think about work , about romantic love , how to make her happy , not sex for myself, and i'm happy both about sex life( at some level ^^ ) and work =D .
Thanks hentais ^^ .
Results are quite astounding…
Aaahh….Since I started reading Hentai Manga sex life has been so fulfilling. All those Demons and Catgirls I raped on my way home from work, which I never evennoticed before *lol*
Well sometimes you just read something and think "Hey…maybe you could try this out" so I would say "yes" : )
First of all, Oliver, we all know way more about your sex life than we probably should.
As for the question "Has Hentai improved your sex life?" I think it all depends on what hentai you read or watch. If all you read/watch is rape filled stuff, then probably no. But if you read/watch the more loving, caring types of hentai, then there is the possibility that something the characters do will appeal to you. I know for my own sake, that I am much less "selfish" in my thinking. Instead of thinking about what will make me feel great and such, I think about what will make her cum her brains out, so I can go along for the ride.
answers yes ;p
Fav manga so far was Blindfold game ! Made me try blindfold sex and that was quite an experience ;D
probably should have included another answer: are you single and does this increase the positions you use (apart from only on the chair staring at the screen)
what hentai has taught us is that an expression filled with pleasure can be 100 times sexier than anything else…. so seeing your girl with that face is just priceless!! x3 hentai has made us realize the beuty of the female body in exctasy , yeah!
watch secretary with your wife!
what i want to know is… if any of you have tried something along the lines of escape creator >_> hentai isn't all rape or lovey dovey stuff ya know
As a lifetime bachelor, I have to say that hentai and porn in general definitely helps out my life. I've been hitting the nightclube scene for as long as I can remember, and I'm not ashamed to say that I've lived a carefree life of short-term, no-consequences sex with people that I don't always know, that usually doesn't end in bad blood and never in major diseases (admittedly I swear by the almighty condom). If there's one thing that hentai has done for me, it has broadened my sexual horizons and made me more willing to try things I probably wouldn't have otherwise. It has also been a great source of inspiration for ideas to try out when I decide to take control of the… *ahem*… situation. While I have had relationships end badly, I have never heard a woman say I was a bore in bed (to my face… can't speak for what they may say otherwise), and a large part of that I probably owe to hentai.
i havent met any sexy teachers or friend's moms that wanna have hot passionate sex with me
Bien sûr, maintenant avant de toucher ma copine j'imagine qu'elle soit aussi parfaite et mignonne que les filles de mes H préférés. ( plus au niveau de son comportement que de son corps
Hem sinon autant sexuellement rien n'a changé, j'ai pas eu non plus une petite soeur ou une amie d'enfance qui s'est confessé à moi ni le reste de ma famille ni même au taff mais y'a quand même des bonnes phrases de H que je ressors IRL. ^_^
hell yeah dude ask my girlfriend =D like a box
My husband and I *love* to read these together, and try some of the weirder positions we see. Most of the time, we trip over each other and end up laughing, but it is entirely worth it. Keeps things fun. ^_^