“Is that you, Marty ?”
This evening, my internet connexion has broken the time barrier, and has returned to 1995 -_-
It feels like having a 56k modem, it’s a annoyiiiiiing ! è_é
It’s lucky most of my posts were prepared in advance from another location (work ^^;;), otherwise, save my Miray Ozaki commission, I doubt I’d have had time to share anything else.
Oh well, even if it took some time, the uploads are finished, it’s time to post now. As of usual, I hope you’ll like it ^^
Banzai !
actually, I already posted an "Is That You Marty ?" post ten minutes ago, but I don't see it anymore o_O
Thanks for your dedication
I know how you feel. Lived out in the country before moving to the big city for college. Continued to use dial up until Fall of 2009. High-Speed Internet rules!
… you post on Hentai Rules from work? Ballsy.
Not really, the workplace he is posting from is his very own store.:)
And my computer isn't in the public part of the store, fortunately
Hah! A "Back To The Future" reference! Classy!
The web this day and age is just not suited for dialup.
Outside of google, The Best Page in the Universe, and maybe some old geocities, I dont think a 56k connection is suitable for much else….
oliver u own a store…what kind of store…being u a hentai fan…must be a kinky store…lol
Lol, it's a store selling babycare products, lucky I'm not a lolicon