Dr. P, Shinryaku Teki Renai Shugi chapters 3-5, + chapters 1-5 in another Zip file [English, 88 pictures]
UPDATE : this page is now obsolete. The COMPLETE (201 pictures !) and entirely UNCENSORED manga is available on THAT page of Hentairules, enjoy the great dope ! ^_^
Chapters 1-5 download isn’t working could you reupload, please?
So, how many chapters left? 5? 6?
Many thanks to YQII and ThorW for their hard work on the new chapter, and thanks Oliver for sharing this here.
According to YQII’s website, there are 11 chapters. Looking at the table of contents page though, it looks like there may be a small omake chapter at the end that YQII did not include in his total.
Just a note, guys : no panic if you don't see the previous recent comments anymore, they'll come back, it's temporary ^_^