Uncensored King of Fighters hentai doujin [English] : Yuri And Friends 2000, by Saigado
The quest for uncensored and translated works by Saigado continues, here’s my latest spoil of war There’s no denying the picture resolution could have been better, a levels correction would have been nice with better res picture (I tried but I created a net loss of pixels, I gave up), but even then, it’s great hentai |
(Remember to view the updated list of all Saigado’s works on Hentairules)
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(6 MB, 45 pictures, English)
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45 pics in 6 MB. This is what i call a good deal.
OMG! I've been looking for this translation for about 5 yrs!
Holy crap thanks!
Reading a happy visitor makes me happy too ^^
Many thanx Oliver.
Well, Seishiro, I wish it was 20-30 MB large instead of 6 MB, that would have meant the picture quality was better
Vanessa-chuan |3
Thanks very much *drool*
Vanessa, is it ?
I always forget how that girl is called, sigh ^^
Yeah yeah, Vanessa. Thanks for the share, one day we will have ALL the SAIGADO's doujins translated (not rewrite^^) and uncensored.
And that day will be sure a good day^^
wow, a saigado i haven't ever seen! thanks Oliver!
Man, it seems everybody’s forgetting about Shoji Hinako-can, seems like she needs to do better in the games to get more fame!