Two questions, about Faytear’s disapperance, and about Photoshop
Hello, if you could help with one of these questions, I’d be grateful
– Most importantly : would you guys know what has happened to Faytear ? His blog, has disappeared o_O
If you don’t know Fayt, he’s a cool person, talented editor, gathering talents and helping others, editing and applying scanlations, with an interesting blog… except that his blog’s suddenly gone
– A trivial question now, about Photoshop.
UPDATE : I’ve had my replies, thanks a lot for the help everyone ! I replied in the comments
The arrival of Photoshop CS5 convinced me I should train myself with Photoshop – I’m a Gimp user, natively. I’m progressively getting the hang of it, starting soon to be able to operate the same operations I’m already flawlessly doing with the Gimp – the main obstacle is to manage to get used to work at the same speed, I’ve found some keyboard shortcuts to help (like shift-L that I found myself, where the fook was it documented while it’s one of the most useful shortcuts for me ¬_¬), I’m working to improve myself with the rest.
And I came up with a new super-newbie question. I’ll ask several other questions over time, but here’s today’s question ^^
The question : let’s say I copy a picture zone with the lasso and perform a control-C, control-V (that I’ll most probably follow by a V and maybe a control-T). Is there a way to force photoshop to remember the “Selection Edges” and “Layer Edges” (View > Show > ..) options, to make them default ?
And would there be a way to make photoshop paste this selection into the current layer, instead of having to spam control-e when I’m done with an area ?
Thanks if you can help with this little trivial newbish question ^^
Thats really weird about faytear. I know that he's on vacation in japan until June 4th. This was his last post at the end of april. He made a update 10 days ago that he's having fun and that he regrets he's not up to date on some new hentai works. The site must have gone offline several days ago. I don't know what happened but I hope we get a answer in a few days or at least at June 4th when he's supposed to come back.
It was working when i checked last night then gone in the morning.
I also had the same
Damn, fayt will have it hard when he comes back from holidays.
Mind you, I hope he ONLY notices when he comes back from holidays !
However, I'm surprised, usually Blogspot doesn't delete a blog, they SUSPEND it, it's strange !
Gone. If I had to guess blogspot final removed it due to copywrite laws. It takes them a very long time to shut them down until big company with money threatens then. Remember this hentai and movie you post belong to someone else. You don't want to become to famous with material that doesn't belong to you especially when they find out your making cash off them in any form. (like user cash links or etc)
I don't know if you can't change it, but by default when you copy and paste something it automatically creates a new layer for that. You have to merge the layers.
Yep, but in the end you have to re-click the layers list so that you actually manipulate data from the main layer, it's a productivity LOSS. I'm after productivity GAINS
regarding what you ask about photoshop :
when you have something selected in photoshop u might want to do a “ctrl+j” instead, what that does is automatically copy what u have selected and pasted it in a blank new layer. for a quick selection you can try pressing “ctrl + left mouse button” what that does is make a selection according the shape of the object in the current layer.
you can also try saving the paths/selection if you want, the options to do that is under windows > paths, from there look on the little icons below and play around with them
last you can’t paste something “into” a layer just like the entropy said you have to merge the layer or if you have finished working and happy with everything you can “flatten” all the layer.
hope that helps
Thanks for the Control-J and control-left mouse click shortcuts, I'll try them
For the rest, I'll stay off paths manipulation, while they allow extraordinary work (I use them for my work with the gimp, when I work with high-res pictures of products), they consume a lot of time. And I'm after productivity GAINS
I was wondering the same question regarding fay's blog.
Not to be the harbinger of bad news, but… no, I don't believe there is a way to make display options default to anything else. They either have a preset default (like selection edges) or go back to the last set value (like rulers). However, you can quickly change selection edges visibility using the shortchut Ctrl-H.
About pasting. Also no, there is not a way to make a layer be pasted straight on the background layer; for the use designers such as myself make of Photoshop, this is a blessing tho, the less "destructive" you can make the work process, the better.
But after you paste many layers, instead spamming Ctrl-E to merge down the layers, you can select all layers on the Layers window (F7) and hit Ctrl-E just once to merge them all. You could also use the menu shortcut Alt-L-F to quickly select the command Flatten Image, or if you want even define your own custom shortcut for that same command.
Control-H, THE shorcut that's bound to save me time, thanks Divino AG
As I already replied above, I'm not after being a power user, I'm after making as FAST as possible my usual simple operations, and this kind of shortcut is just what I need, it will help spotting the copied-and-pasted group of pixels ^^
With that in mind, I'll remember Alt-L-F (it's true after all, alt- menus are like shortcuts, in a way) rather than having to hit F7 and then move my mouse to the layers panel, select them, and finally hit a new key combo…
I'm not entirely positive by what you mean, but if you are referring to, how to remember a selection, all you have to do is have the selected area current, right click, then click "save work path". Then you can go about your business and when you decide you need that selection back, just right click > "load work path".
Thanks for the suggestion Anon, however I'll skip that one, even if you're quite right, technically speaking, this would be a time-consuming solution.
On the opposite, I'm after productivity GAINS.
Quick simplicity is better than slow perfection, for my user my profile
Not sure if it's what you want, but there's this: Edit -> Paste Special -> Paste Into. As long as you have the thing you want it pasted into selected, it basically binds whatever you were pasting into the selection it was being pasted to (you wouldn't see it outside that selection area it was binded too) (It still has two different layers, but still). (To get what I mean exactly, check out this tutorial: Sorry that I suck at describing things ) You can also do the same effect by pressing/holding Alt and left clicking between the two layers (which is probably more effective since it does it for a whole layer rather than only just the part you selected.)
As for Faytear, that's ironic. I actually came here hoping you'd post something about it :V I'm going to have to agree with basically everyone and say Blogspot deleted his blog due to copyright infringement claims. It happens all the time, that's why it's best to go buy a website or something :T
Actually; I meant to ask why you want to flatten the image anyway. It's a redundant task if you ask me, it's best to have all of the layers. All those stupid errors that occasionally happen wouldn't be so easily fixed if you didn't keep a PSD (or whatever the version of that is for GIMP, if it even has one) of the whole thing~ And it's not like saving as a PNG or JPG doesn't automatically flatten the image for you, anyway. Long story short, layers are a fucking godsend for editors (and in your case, decensor…ers).
Thanks HurpDurp
This isn't what I need (I copy-paste areas in order to progressively replace censored areas with their neighbouring not censored areas, when you "attack" a censored zone from all parts with failsafe copy and paste, in the end there is close to zero guessword for the last missing parts), but it's still very interesting as a tutorial, I've learned useful things for the occasional needs
About Faytear, usually google doesn't delete a blog, he suspends it, it's a heavy nuance o_O
So you're copy and pasting? Well in that case, you might wanna try using the clone stamp tool, it's what most (if not all) editors use for redrawing and such. N-U-L-L used to have a tutorial on it for redrawing manga but it seems like they got rid of it… ( and don't seem to load either.) Here's a tutorial on the clone stamp itself (used for something completely different once again):, if you're interested, I'm sure you can find one made for manga on google :V
I'm not only copying and pasting, but it's one of my most usual decensoring methods.
I already tried the stamp tool, but it generates my most hated problem : blurry edges and soft contrasts between zones, while I always struggle to strictly preserve the level of contrast and of "crispness and granulosity" of the groups of pixels in a given zone, if you see what I mean.
It's a vicious circle with my current level if I use the clone stamp : cloning, stamping, then having to correct the incorrect boundaries that are usually too soft or too blurred, then more stamping required to fix that shit, etcetera…
On the opposite, select a zone with exactly the same kind of surface, lasso-tool the shape of the zone in which you must paste it, copy, paste, and voilà!, it's done.
At least in my current case, it's more efficient for this precise need
Oh, I see. You can increase the hardness of the stamp so that it's crisp and not blurred (it's default is 0%), 100% (and a really small, perhaps 1-5px) is probably what you're looking for when doing something carefully and precise (such is the case with editing).
Well, as a last ditch resort you could always make a macro (like someone mentioned later on in the comments but before this post :V) that'll automatically control+e a finite amount of layers together :V
faytear is on vacation since last month, he probably back on June.
about your photoshop question ;
i'm not really sure your situation, but let just say you have a selection on your current layer, then 'right click' while the selection is blipping and select 'Make Work Path', use the default setting (tolerance 2.0 pixel) for this.
After you do this, the selection will become wired-like line, then select the 'Paths' pallete (Layer – Channels – Path). In that pallete, there's an 'Italic Layer' called 'Work Path', that is your selection from before. And that 'Work Path' is not saved yet if the text is still italic. In order to save this work path, double click the text work path and name it (Path 1 for default). Now you can use your selection anytime you want by holding 'Ctrl' and left click on layer/text 'Path 1'
Thanks for the suggestion Mizore Kun, however I'll skip that one, even if you're quite right, technically speaking, this would be a time-consuming solution.
On the opposite, I'm after productivity GAINS.
Quick simplicity is better than slow perfection, for my user my profile
Maybe google force the host 2 shut down he's blog…. Q_Q
Google = Blogspot, so Google didn't force the host
It sounds like you have a command you do over and over again – you might want to look into macros and custom actions! Every command and shortcut sequence, even incredibly long ones, can be easily recorded and played back with just a hit of a custom shortcut key.
I have one, for example, that automatically resizes, applies letterbars, and saves images in a variety of different image formats and resolutions, for easy production and sharing of wallpaper. It creates 15 different files with literally one button press.
Thanks Anon, photoshop's automation reputation is indeed considerable !
However, in the current case, that's not something I can automatize. For my decensoring operations, each new operation is unique and not replicable (if that word doesn't exist, call me neologism-man), entirely depending on the context.