A picture shared by 3333h, I OUGHT to share it in my turn :)
Who said the hentai world and the real world couldn’t get into contact ?
Maybe we have found the location of the legendary Hentai World Portal ?
A million thanks for this link, 333h ! ^_^
Not in the same style, and I’m a bit ashamed to share the link, but today I’ve found myself with tears of laughter pouring down my face after reading this chapter. Shame, I know.
OMFG you read gintama!!!!!
that chapter was an anime episode!!
hahahahahahahahahahaha, this manga is bonkers!
Also, I took your word on Tumi & The Volume from a while back; they're amazing!
I saw this picture, the missing letters are pixelated. HMMM.
you never cease to amaze me Oliver-danna,, not only you share marvelous hentai but you also read gintama… i look up to you even more lol :p
also the pic=epic, where can i find that, ahem, 'in c est high school'? lol
I like that picture so prefect for legal Incest school for good, then wait till incest town? lol wait till american change name United State of Incest? yes let go!
Gintama ftw <33 ~
Btw your far from done my good man .
ROFL that's a trip, the moment i saw the letters i was laughing so hard, to a point my abs were hurting.
ohh gosh ur awesome Oliver.
haha, what unfortunate letter fall xD
http://failblog.org/ is the source
XD what were those kids thinking when they posed for a pic there?
Also you shouldn't be ashamed of reading Gintama Oliver, It's funny as hell!
I wonder if the teachers are hot there
It took me a minute to notice this one. Since Oliver is French, I initially thought the sign said "in c'est high school" and didn't understand what was so funny.
Gintama is freakin' hilarious and that one is probably one of the best!
I want to go there…
No need to feel hesitant to share good stuff with is Oli, regardless of what. It's your own site, isn't it? Even if your offtopic tastes were bizarre and almost none of your visitors were interested (quite the opposite, i assure you; we're the same kind of guys, for the most part ^_- ) I doubt anyone would complain unless it started severely reducing the flow of hentai. (And quite honestly I'm having a real hard time catching up, since I occasionally miss a day or two now and again. 5 pages back right now T_T)
I'd never heard of Gintama yet (though off the top of my head, I can tell you it probably translates as "silver balls"). So you've introduced me to a new series to enjoy. Bravo. (I'm F#$%ing never gonna catch up at this rate. T_T)
it – it's – it's GOOONEEE!!!
There's nothing there but a stupid little 'picture missing' tab!
WTF Ollie?!?
If you're gonna share something good?