Kurogane No Linebarrels hentai doujinshi [English] : Love Vacation, by Tsukino Jyogi (with an attempt to improve picture quality)

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on No comments
I improved the colors and picture quality, but there's still ways to improve it :/

With many thanks to Desu and Omega999, here is a full-color Kurogane No Linebarrels hentai doujin :)
I don’t know Kurogane No Linebarrels and honestly I don’t care about it, in my mind, what matters is that there are 3 girls and one male, and they’re not sitting idly playing mah-jong :twisted:

There’s not much of a scenario, it’s just the typical Tsukino stuff. The girls mesmerized by a big cock and hooked on to it after their first creampies, sigh, while the male partner gains self-confidence so that the customers forget they’re shy, complex Japanese virgin teen boys for a couple of minutes.

(For much more stuff by this artist, Cf. The List of Tsukino Jyogi’s Works…)

The pictures had initially really poor quality, s0 I took advantage of them to train automatic retouching in Photoshop. The result is still VERY perfectible (I have yet to understand why there are light balance differences from a final picture to another, were the sources different too in ways my eye didn’t manage to notice?), but I feel it’s already a good improvement worth of being shared online.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(10 MB, 27 pictures, English)

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