Because today is today

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 55 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

I won’t make further comments, you all have a brain, and it’s not up to me to try to influence your opinions. If you don’t see what this /Facepalm is about (hint : it took place at sea some 16 hours ago), better for you, after all.
But still :

Sometimes, a double facepalm isn't even enough

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14 years ago

I think they're practicing kung fu, but the photographer likes the facepalm…

14 years ago

That picture sums up what i was thinking when i heard the news. Every time i think people can't get any dumber…

14 years ago

what was it? I was asleep 16 hours ago…

14 years ago

:@ they can put excuses as much as they want as soon as its in international waters all their statement s are bullshit from overcrazed paranoids

14 years ago
Reply to  Lobo

Regardless of whether you think the blockade is justified…
The ship was headed into Israeli territorial waters, and they were trying to run a blockade, and the Israeli boarding of the ship was allowed under international maritime law.

Plus… What kind of idiots thought that mobbing Israeli law enforcement with chairs and physically throwing them off the deck was going to end well.

Even if they had driven off the coast guard, they would have just come back with tugboats and towed the ship into custody. There was no possibility of them ever making it to the Gaza strip.

The only possible benefit that could result is the creation of more martyrs for the propaganda machine. Which is exactly what happened.
Go figure…

14 years ago
Reply to  B_Gravel

I actually feel rather sorry for the Israelis for getting tricked into such a transparent no-win situation.

Even if the activists had surrendered, and they diverted the ship without violence, the media would still have had a field day.

Whoever organized that trip knew exactly what they were doing. It hit the Israeli blockade right in the middle of negotiations between American and Israeli leaders. In which Obama was trying to put pressure on the Israelis to appease the arab world so that a coalition could be formed against Iran if necessary. Iranian sympathies have been on the up in Turkey for a while now, and this incident will drive another spike between Israel and Turkey.

This little aid mission has probably set the peace process back by several years at least.

14 years ago
Reply to  B_Gravel

i have to agree with you on all counts. The Israelis are getting the short end here. Since we are at it. The Gaza gets plenty of aid and supplies from Egypt and Israel already. What the heck were these idiots doing running a blockade anyway?

Deep Seek
Deep Seek
14 years ago
Reply to  B_Gravel

raiding ships full of civilians and aid for besieged Gaza in international sea is not breaching any maritime law?

oh yea, I forget.. Israel has been starving people of Gaza from food and medical supplies, destroy their building, harvest their organs, and drop white phosphorus into their heads
and it still in compliance of "international law". Of course, the self-proclaimed "chosen people of God" never wrong <smirk> How ignorant can you be? <tactical facepalm>

14 years ago
Reply to  Deep Seek

Besieged is a good word for it yes.
And P.S. those weren't legally civilians under international law.

Israel is no longer occupying the gaza strip, and has recognized their status as an Independent state.
Additionally, a blockade is considered an act of war.
Since both Egypt and Israel are blockading Gaza, an independent nation. Under international law, they are AT WAR.

You can't have one without the other, which is why the USA was so insistent on the "nuclear quarantine" of Cuba, instead of the "blockade" of Cuba during the cuban missile crisis. If the USA had ever actually tried to board or physically stop any of the soviet ships, it would have been an act of war against the soviet union.

There is also no question whatsoever, that the self described "Freedom flottilla" knew about the blockade.

Attempting to run a blockade during wartime is also an act of war, and anyone who does so is considered an enemy combatant.

After the flottila publicly declared their intent to run the blockade, the Israelis could have LEGALLY torpedoed all 6 ships, the instant they entered the blockade zone, and killed all 700 people aboard.

This has nothing to do with religion, and you are the one that is ignorant of the Legal implications.
That smirk just makes you look just as stupid as the Israeli commander who thought fast roping a squad of riot police into a tiny space with a bunch of riot-ers was a good idea.
Heres' a picture:

14 years ago
Reply to  B_Gravel

as a side note… the Israelis are not blockading humanitarian supplies… The specific reason they stopped the "freedom flotilla" was to offload the concrete they were smuggling into gaza.

The activists claimed that concrete was essential to rebuilding gaza's roads and infastructure, while the Israelis have banned concrete as aid because, the concrete would never be used as intended, and instead used to reinforce Hamas' weapon smuggling tunnel network.

The activists decided that armed conflict over concrete was more important than getting the rest of the supplies into gaza.

Deep Seek
Deep Seek
14 years ago
Reply to  B_Gravel

without the tunnel there will be no life in Gaza
Israel basically has committed blockade to people in it and testing their weapon to its population
how do you think people in it can continue to life under those grotesque condition?
still, if Israel recognize Gaza as an independent state, they should've recognize Hamas because the citizen chose the party themselves
As far as I'm concerned, there will be no such thing as peace as long as Israel still bombarding and taking up Palestinian territory. Now they are also itching to nuke Iran while they themselves didn't sign for NPT, while Iran did.

14 years ago

what happened?

boom headshot
boom headshot
14 years ago

i was out in the wilderness with no news for three days wut happened…

some random person
some random person
14 years ago

With the clues of "at sea" and highly controversial I conclude it is this:

Though this is face palm worthy too

14 years ago

I don't get it, could someone explain it simply so i could understand please ? ^^

14 years ago

Israeli raid on ships containing aid to Palestinians in Gaza. The site is from a UK perspective.

14 years ago
14 years ago

Well this is the only case happening at sea. How stupid exactly are they expecting us to be?
"Israeli troops had acted to 'defend their lives.'". They do what they always want then give us this excuse right at the end. :S

14 years ago

Also take notice that most of the aid from those boats came from Turkey. Now I really want to see what their reaction will be =) .

Regardless, damn them fanatics and warmongers.

Awful Wafle
Awful Wafle
14 years ago

Retarded soldiers roped down to the ship without weapons thinking those barbaric islamic terrorists would just give up.

I sometimes wonder how this country still exist with the arabs fanatics circling them.

Desert Eagle
Desert Eagle
14 years ago
Reply to  Awful Wafle

The Israel Defense Forces are one of top 5 best militaries in the world, essentially. Look up the 6 Day War some time. Egypt, Jordan, and Syria (with troops from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Algeria) were amassing huge amount of troops on Israel's border. Israel launched a preemptive strike, won in 6 days, and *gained* land.

*THAT* is how Israel still exists. (That and the fact they probably have nuclear second-strike capability.)

14 years ago
Reply to  Desert Eagle

Damn straight. Anyone that says there army doesn't kick ass (several countries' asses in fact) is delusional. This is just one situation when they couldn't win. The facepalm is both for them, and the activists for thinking they would make it through.

14 years ago

Israel's soldiers are the best! they use guns, fire weapons and heavy weapons against kids and old people holding ….wait for it…. rocks or sticks and chairs. Come on! even a 10 year old kid can be part of this israeli army, just give him a gun and ask him to shoot on sight, no training needed.
They're not soldiers, they're real murdrers and killers

14 years ago

Yes, maybe Israel is not the best country but this image summarizes everything:

14 years ago
Reply to  Sanchopanza

is soooo fucking right !!!! no worfd needed !!!
the absolute and puer truth

14 years ago

To Sanchopanza, what's that, Israelian cartoon? show me a real picture, oh right, you don't have it? this is not about occupied land or religion, this is about hatred and racism…To all of you please use your mind and read books of history, not American or Arabic or Israelian books…Arab people and ISrael can live together, but their leaders can't, let them fight against each other, why should the people of their countries die for them?!
This make me sick…fuck all the countries leaders

14 years ago

again Israel is in a "no win" situation, right or wrong, Gaza is still under blocade, the hatred is still there and israel lost the support of is mayor Islamic ally, Turkey.

14 years ago

Apparently, Isreal soldiers used paintball ammunitions at first, but switched to lethal ones when the situation was out of control.

Whatever the truth anyway. The fact is : It is NOT clever to board a ship in international waters without any legal derogation, and it was OBVIOUS that this situation would happen. You don't need a big IQ to realize that.

The fact is, israel people elected stupid politicmen, like we do in France.

14 years ago

srael's soldiers are the best! they use guns, fire weapons and heavy weapons against kids and old people holding ….wait for it…. rocks or sticks and chairs. Come on! even a 10 year old kid can be part of this israeli army, just give him a gun and ask him to shoot on sight, no training needed.
They're not soldiers, they're real murdrers and killers

14 years ago
Reply to  mnd

yeaaaa right……i would like to see your reaction if you land on a ship unprepared to be stunt by "all non lethal weapons" including throwing you and your comrades of the ship and beating you to your death… aaaa yea i forgot you a superman who don't give a fack and can handle this kind of situation…..

14 years ago

They should have just sunk the whole lot.
6 *mysterious* underwater explosions and the world would be a better place.

There were some german MP in that lot. 65 years after Hitler and still jew haters get elected. They should be stripped of their immunities and carted of to Nürnberg.

Never again.

14 years ago

Oliver I've been lurking here for a while but never really commented up until now. But seriously take the politics out of here. I have enough stress in my life without seeing and reading this shit everywhere. I want at least enjoy my spare time fapi… eh i mean reading doujinshi >_<

14 years ago
Reply to  PoliticsSux

No one force you to read this post. You just wanted to see what the TF was about.

14 years ago

To ‘Saladin’ and ‘mnd’ you both should shut up and read some history books yourselves, go back to about the 13th century in the fertile crescent and study the history of that general geographic area up to the present and then you may have some right to talk. Oh and how bout taking a few classes in proper grammar and buying a personality while your at it?

Being an American I personally find my own country’s involvement in Israel’s affairs to be highly aggravating. We should not be that countries babysitters if they don’t have the cognitive ability to not do such idiotic things in the first place. Of course I suppose I’m a tad hypocritical saying that with the stellar performance of my government over the last decade. :(
On the flip side though I don’t approve of anyone picking on the little guy(Israel) or little dogs with big dog syndrome(Israel). Israel’s track record admittedly blows hippo dork and their hubris is becoming down right annoying. But if you were a midget armed with a gun and surrounded on all sides by steroid pumpin Mr. Olympus wannabes who have decided to vent their roidrage on you, would you not develop an itchy trigger finger?

My point is I see both sides of this thing, and it’s not going to be over till one side and all of their supporters are probably dead.

Can’t wait for America, aka the global fucking police force, to get involved in another war over who spit on who’s camel 500 years ago again.

BTW, so as not to seem like a complete dick I was being facetious with my last statement.

14 years ago

you know all this talk…all I have to say is that all the military forces out there are fucktards, cept the peace keeping ones, aka the Nordic battalions and some French ones.

And about the fanaticism talks…omg I can't understand how no one is commenting on the Stupid fuckheads in the States, they are fanatics scumbags just like the Muslim/israelli or whatever. Only difference is ammounts of weapons. Then the countries are the same, dickhead that shout the loudest is heard.….

alltough I reckon no one here is a jesus loving junkie, if they are, they are probably not planning on setting fire to the rest of the world before the rapture

14 years ago

I know this debate could go on for hours with both sides giving somewhat valuable arguments and eventually just getting of topic and comparing gaza to something inapproriate, etc … I know this not (only) thanks to common sense but because as an Israelian in Belgium I have to deal with retarded Belgians (ab)using facebook and oher communication methods to compare Israelian soldiers to nazi's, claim that Europe should just blow up my country and other misinformed and mostly extremist (bording on fascistic) opinions. While I agree with "PoliticsSux" and its somewhat weird to discuss political affairs on this website, I was positively surprised to see that extremist comments are practically non-existent on this page and that both sides try their best to stay reasonable without exagerating or neglecting the facts, flaunt information without any valuable sources, etc… It is interesting to see that on this particular blog, things are not being blown up to ridiculous proportions. Thank you.

14 years ago
Reply to  Surprised

Just maybe, hentai is good for mental health… and thus we are not fucking extremists.

Keep on the good job, Oliver, you are probably doing bether for world peace than most of the parties involved somewhat in this conflict.

14 years ago

Regardless of whether you think the blockade is justified…
The ship was headed into Israeli territorial waters, and they were trying to run a blockade, and the Israeli boarding of the ship was allowed under international maritime law.

uhh no they can’t do anything until it enters Israeli territorial waters, those ships wether they intend to break the blockade or not has committed NO hostile action against Israel and hence as long as they’re on international waters Israel has no business boarding those ships(as long as they don’t fly an Israeli flag ofc), the activists on those ships however has the right to resort to use whatever force neccessary to repel the boarding party.

14 years ago
Reply to  Elldallan

Attempting to run a blockade is an ACT OF WAR under maritime law…

In fact, since the ships were flying Turkish flags, the whole incident is technically an act of war by the nation of Turkey against the nation of Israel.
Since Turkey does not want to go war with Israel, you will notice that they have been very active trying to shift blame elsewhere.

14 years ago

I won’t make further comments, it’s not up to me to try to influence your opinions, but if you accept the Palestinian narrative of events of jackbooted Israeli thugs terrorizing defenseless humanitarian relief workers, you're intentionally seeing only the one part of the diplomatic picture you want to see.

Israel Navy: "Mavi Marmara, you are approaching an area of hostilities which is under a naval blockade. The Gaza area coastal region and Gaza harbor are closed to all maritime traffic. The Israeli government supports delivery of humanitarian supplies to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip and invites you to enter the Ashdod port. Delivery of the supplies in accordance with the authorities' regulations will be through the formal land crossings and under your observation, after which you can return to your home ports aboard the vessels on which you arrived."

Response: "Negative, negative. Our destination is Gaza, our destination is Gaza."

14 years ago

nicely said…..^_^

14 years ago

Israeli citizen here, enjoying your stuff for a long time.
Luckily in my military service I was a non-combatant (I was an IT guy) so I didn't have to deal with this shit.

14 years ago

UN had requested Israel to lift the blockade and it's not recognized as lawful by any means, hence that paragraph from San Remo isn't relevant here. IDF raid on the boat was illegal and the passengers had the lawful basis for self-defense. We still cannot see how 10 people were killed and dozens more got wounded. They're only showing a fight which hardly involves more than a handful people. Moreover, the survivors are arrested and imprisoned, which is also illegal. The cold hard fact is that, without USA backing up and Obama acting against his Nobel prize, Israel would be bombarded by NATO like Serbia and Afghanistan was, for attacking and kidnapping multiple NATO members' country citizens.

14 years ago

these comments remind me of yahoo new articles, no debate, just turns into a big flame war between two sides who arn't going to change their minds.

14 years ago

i probably don't have anything important to contribute. my 2 cents? BE CANADIAN.

then, you don't have to worry about fighting anybody. just maple syrup, beer, and hockey… and probably some hentairules.

NOTE: i am not Canadian. not anymore, at least.

14 years ago

God damn Mongolians

14 years ago
14 years ago

Yes the activists on those ships were civilians because according to international law and the geneva convention you are EITHER a civilian or a combatant, the current state of international law only recognizes combatants as people fighting in uniform in an organized manner for a nation, G W Bush tried to muddle the waters but his terms and whatnot has not been recognized or incorporated into international law. the activists are not part of any recognized national military organisation and hence they are for all intents and purposes civilians.

Also,I agree that the Palestinian territories are at war with Israel since Israel is occupying territories belonging to palestine, that most certainly is an act of war. That would mean that Israel is bound by the laws of war(this would apply to palestine aswell if they had any legitimate armed forces which they don’t) Israel has on multiple occasions completely ignored said laws of war by intentionally targeting areas they knew contained civilians, this is expressely forbidden according to the geneva convention.

The international community and the United nations has not approved of Israels blockade(it has actually very much condemned it even prior to these events) the blockade is therefore illegal according to international law which Israel obviously ignores, therefore anyone who wants to run the blockade is fully within their rights to do so(and israel is technically not allowed to stop them) and they’re also allowed to use any means neccessary to repel the boarders because attacking those blockade runners is an act of war.

Btw, I do in no way condone or agree with Hamas way of doing things but Israel is occupying palestinian territories and they have the right to resist that occupation, the way they do it is most certainly despiccable but desperate people do desperate things and Israel has backed the palestinians into a corner and closed, and as the democratic nation with a huge technological and military advantage the responsibility lies on Israel to find a lasting compromise which both populations can live with.

All in all Israels actions just further shows how little Israel cares about what anyone else thinks of their actions, eventually if that goes on they will alienate the european union and other major players, maybe even alienate USA eventually. If or when that happens things will very fast spiral out of control and things will become very ugly and all will loose out because of it.

14 years ago

Pssh…. Israel disregard international laws all the times. Some of them actually use the bible to justify their acts, “we are the chosen nation, thus we stand above human laws” crap.

Honestly, I feel even worse for the contra-Zionist Jews (and there are a lot of them). Theyre against what Israel is doing yet they still get the bad reputation anyway.

14 years ago

i was more than satisfieds to see the are people who smart enought to understand the situation
i meant why the flotila was blocked why all hapenned/
pirsonaly i would like to sink the f bouts instead of stopping them but then were the "human right"..
poor palestinian…..they don't get enought supplies from israel : working places, free serveses money, and so on….they already have their own country then why cann't they stop fighting and invest some money in economic ? why indeed… people i asking you because it's an rhetorical question(they will never be satisfied "give him a finger and he wi9ll reap you hand and eat it" poor bustard//// i would personoly kill them all!(yeap i am from right flang the rightly extreme) or at least start the war cuz this fucked up messy situasion i had enougjt of it)

p.s sorry for mistakes it's already late and i don't have the power to write and explain to all why that and why those.

14 years ago

The problem I have with people saying Palestine as a nation is occupied is that Palestine has never been a nation. It was apart of the old Hebrew Empire, Assyrian Empire, Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, British Empire, then apart of Egypt(This is when Israel took it). It has never been a nation, so how can it be an occupied nation now?

14 years ago

Hitshitfan it became a nation as of the same date israel did, that is when the when the UN announced the partition plan of brittish transjordan. Hence it is an occupied nation just as much as say Kosovo was until Nato intervened. Even if it wasn’t a country what Israel is doing is still just as wrong.

Alien Israel never had the right to board that ship, the soldiers are not supposed to be there but since they were ofc the people on those ships had the right to use any means neccessary to repel the boarding party and no even if they did respond violently the Israeli soldiers had no right to respond with lethal force(or any force whatsoever) because they where illegally attacking civilians, those civilians has the right to defend themselves by whatever means neccessary but as stated before, Israel had no right to board that boat and thus their soldiers had no business beeing there and therefore the soldiers had no right to even protect their own lives if they got attacked because they were knowingly engaging civilian targets which is completely forbidden by the geneva convention.

14 years ago
Reply to  Drash

Maritime laws regarding who is and isn't a civilian are very different from the ones on land.

The CREW of a vessel that is attempting to breach a military blockade are considered military targets. Whether they defend themselves or not, they are fair game.

The PASSENGERS on the other hand, are not supposed to be attacked, and can act in self defense if they are. BUT, if they aren't allowed to assist the crew in defending the ship. If they do, they they move up into the former category.

By attacking the Israeli troops with blunt objects, stealing their weapons, and throwing the Israelis off the ship, the passengers of the vessel ceased to be civilians in a legal sense.