Uncensored version of Honey Blonde [English, 217 pictures], by Kensoh Ogawa (AKA Fukudahda)

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 43 comments
Tags: Anal

OMG. OMG. OH. MY. GOD. Did I mention "oh my god" ? (If the picture doesn't show, reload it !)

Dear pervs, here is something I’m IMMENSELY happy to share with you, here is the COMPLETELY UNCENSORED version of Honey Blonde, Kensoh Ogawa’s bestest manga :)

The drawings are very, very good. Mostly a blonde schoolgirl with big tits practicing titfucks, oral, vaginal and anal, and a bit her brunette friend (with the same sexual practices, save the blonde’s occasional lact. shots). The scenario, to my great surprise at the beginning, isn’t bad :shock: A relation that started on a sexual basis grows into something deeper (with still tons and tons of sex, go away all tasteless shoujo non-hentai mangas, shoo, shoo !)
Pure happy, intense and well drawn sex, a scenario keeping us alert until the end, and now it’s entirely uncensored ? MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone ! :D

Thanks a LOT to High Nine Eleven for the very good decensoring (and also for the split pictures joining, and for the improvement of the color pictures ! Drop him a thanks, guys !), and to Strange Gray Cat for the translation :)

(I share MUCH more stuff by this artist, Cf. The list of Kensoh Ogawa’s works)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(104 MB, 217 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2  – or – Zip Mirror #3 – or – Zip Mirror #4 – or – Zip Mirror #5

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14 years ago

Yeah. Hell yeah.

14 years ago

Sweet (though Soushisouai Note gets my personal vote as his 'bestest' ^_-… still, sweet.)

Makkari Bromstom
Makkari Bromstom
14 years ago

weeee thx u Oliver :D

14 years ago

H911 it´s the new encensure GOD!!! My favorite tank in it´s highest expretion, and there's more in the future… Thanks~!

14 years ago

O_o Nice! I was actually wondering if something like this was going to come out. I love the Honey Blond Series! I now I can enjoy it even more since its uncensored! Thanks Oliver!

14 years ago

This is the third time I've downloaded the whole volume, but I'll do it again for the uncensored version.

that guy
that guy
14 years ago

thanks oliver esp since its uncensored
oh btw viva freedom chap 6-7 is out

how many chapters are there in viva freedom?
waiting for the whole thing to be translated

14 years ago

I could go on at considerable length about how I absolutely *LOVE* this tankoubon, but I will do everyone a favor and simply say thank you to Strange Grey Cat for the translation, thank you to Anti Aging Anon for (if I am remembering it correctly) taking the original translation and editing it onto the tankoubon scans, and a big thank you to H9Eleven for the decensoring.

Oh, and I guess I should also thank Oliver for sharing it here. ;-)

14 years ago

Big thanks to everyone!
For one of the earliest hentai stories i read (that also happens to be one of my personal favorites), to have this uncensor is just :D:D:D

14 years ago

This is probably one of the best hentai manga I ever read. On par with Isako Rokuroh's 'Kawa', Takemura Sesshyu's 'Take on Me', and anything by Kuroiwa Menou.

14 years ago

Thank you oliver! :D

14 years ago

Many thanx Oliver. This is the Tankoubon version, isn't it?

14 years ago

Many thanx Oliver. It’s the tankoubon version isn’t it?

14 years ago

Now I have to search the previous version in my HD, delete it and replace with this version.

14 years ago

Thanks High Nine Eleven, Strange Gray Cat, and Oliver. This will gladly replace the version I already have on my HD.

14 years ago

Glad you all liked it :D

14 years ago

Setebos! I haven't seen you around lately. Hope everything is well with you.

Anyways, thanks for the info about Fukudahda/Kensoh Ogawa.

14 years ago

Oliver, I'm not sure how, but that post "that scumbag Verboven is the main owner of Pornbb though all of pornbb will deny it" is NOT FROM ME. I don't know who did it, how they did it, or why they did it, but it was not my doing.

14 years ago

*shrug* Like I said, I don't know how they did it. That post doesn't even show up in my account history. Maybe it was just some one-time software glitch.

14 years ago

Hi guys, I just wanted to say thanks a million!!! to Oliver, High Nine Eleven and to Strange Gray Cat for their contributions to this share. You're the best guys! :D

14 years ago

I'm not sure what you're annoyed at, Oliver, me or the correct information? That's why I gave up on having anymore by Fukudahda translated, it's all in a name. :/

Your site, your rules, I know that.

14 years ago

I'll explain in an e-mail I'll be sending soon. I have a few goodies for you. :)

14 years ago
Reply to  Setebos

Erm dunno guys but when i know a artist usses 2 different names I just put it something like this [Kensoh Ogawa (Fukudahda)] so people who know him by one name or another will both understand who he is, but thats just my opinion :)

14 years ago

An endless thanks to the decensorer and the translator for bringing a high-quality for everyone to enjoy !

Bravo, Strange Grey Cat and H911 ! keep it up !

and Oliver for sharing this !!!

14 years ago

Thanks goes to everyone involved. Great work, and one of my all time favorite tanks.

14 years ago

Oh wow, this is great. I kinda dislike lactation so I give up on this, but then I realize there's more than that. Thanks Oliver and everyone involved….Maybe next time you can just label it "Fukudahda/Kensoh Ogawa" lol.

14 years ago

Even in hentai, the English are superior. Look at how many commented to this. England > all

14 years ago

This is one of the best ero manga in my collection, and it just got better. Thanks to all involved. As for the name issue, I've always known this artist as Fukudahda. I've never heard the name Kensoh Ogawa.

14 years ago

Big thanx to all those responsible for this amazing piece of work.

14 years ago

It’s an interesting story, and the girl even has freckles, thanks for a great upload.

13 years ago

this one is just glorious! like every ohter manga by this great artist! i just pre-ordered the figure based on the girl on the cover, can't freakin wait for it!!!

13 years ago

Both links are deleted.. :(

Random Lurker
Random Lurker
7 months ago

Dear sir, I wish to inform you that Kenso Ogawa released sequels to Honey Blonde–some of which can be found translated should you wish to revisit such a classic after all these years. :)

The ones I’ve found online are spread at other hentai free download sites, if you’re willing to investigate.

They are titled like this:

Honey Blonde Hiwamari – This one is in English.
Honey Blonde Sakura – This one I also found in English
Honey Blonde Margaret – this one I could only find in korean, but maybe it exists in english?
Honey Blonde soushuuhen bouquet – This one currently is a Japanese RAW at the place I found it.

I wish you well, and thank for all these years of hosting this great site plus your reviews of the hentai mangas that you’ve shared to this day. :)