AWESOME, hardcore and SPLENDID hentai artbook : Dendrobium [273 pictures], by Nishieda
It all started with this picture in my inbox. Ten minutes later, acting under an impulse, with a wide manic smile, I created THIS. I hope you like it, it was fun to make, and I learned new Photoshop ninja tricks thanks to this
And well, since it came from a faptastic artbook with excellent full color hardcore drawings, with fine details, with very arousing faces, hot bodies, quality hardcore action, I decided to share the artbook too
I insist : these full color drawings are INCREDIBLE, they’d be rated as incredible even if there was no sexual content to attract the eye. The lights, the colors, the fine drawings with a great care for details, the facial expressions, this is pure, awesome art !
Update : You can buy it online and have it for real ! – this would also be a way to support the artist, something that wouldn’t be bad.
Update 2 : and now this is ENTIRELY UNCENSORED, WOOT !
Decensoring Credits are for Belldandy100, who’d have already won a Nobel of Porn, if such a reward had existed.
By Nishieda, I also share the pleasant short full-color O Holy Night., and also a pack of 5 other short full color works.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(181 MB, 273 Uncensored pictures)
(please, is there a chance you can use the depositfiles link ? That will generate a tiny bonus for me, thank you very much if that’s possible for you ! )
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Little bonus, today’s photoshop training ^^
A panda? WTF? Is that supposed to be a hand-puppet she is using? I mean, the art is obviously stunning, but I think a couple of my brain cells died when I looked at the picture.
Oh, and your photoshop of the panda with the teeth is Pure Evil. Funny as hell, but Evil.
Thanks for sharing Oliver.
Being evil from times to times isn't bad ^^
I think in making the exact same thing when I saw that…XDD
realy, Pure Evil
That one from fullmetal alchemist…
the girl is maychen, n the panda is xiaomay, the came from the Shin country of the east…
Wait, so that is supposed to be a real panda (but in a miniature size) giving the guy a blowjob in the original picture?
…so, Oliver just inadvertently posted some bestiality/zoophilia? O.o
I'm not really complaining, I personally think it is kinda cute and funny. But that photoshopped picture is still Evil! Bad Oliver! Bad! :-)
OHHH ARTBOOK!!!! This's the first time i have a completed artbook, thank you a lot!!!!
And your 'little bonus' is SO AWESOME!!! it's just so charming!!! I love you alot, you are genius !
After all , i really look 4ward to another artbook. Can you make my heart beating so crazy again? Please….
It will be hard to have your heart beating so hard again, seeing such an incredibly good artbook like that was a first for me, you know !
OMG Oliver that panda pic It's epic win! as for the book I already had it and the drawings are awsome indeed
Heh, glad you liked it ^^
About your email, I saw it, I simply completely forgot to reply ^^;;
I'll do it in a pair of hours
Hehe no hurry take you time
Wow this is really awesome. Thnak you so much for posting it. I didn't know about this book before but after i've seen it I just ordered it from my favourite Comicshop. It's 65 Euro but defintely worth it. Hope it arrives soon
I'm glad I helped, indirectly, in make the artist collect more sales
Mind you, following your inspiration, I searched a commercial link and added it to my post, this way it could encourage more people into purchasing the book. Encouraging artists isn't bad, thanks Asgar
Oh God.that panda reminds me of that killer panda hentai joke you posted! XD lol
your not the only one xD
and oliver because i never said it before, keep up the good work:>
Oh this! Nice of you to share, even thought i bought my own copy a while ago. It was 60 something.
Depositfiles link down
the file has been removed for infringement :/
Grrmbl. I'm on it. Thanks for the report !
Come back in a few hours, it will be fixed
got back late :/ got removed from depositfiles again, trying other links…
the other links are working fine
Aw SHIT ! I forgot to update the post, sorry ^^;;
For some reason I don't particularly like this style of art for hentai. Full color is always good.
Looks great though of course, thanks!