My Careless Boyfriend [English], by Ueno Naoya
With my thanks to Setebos The Hentai Bringer and to Desu, here’s a happy sex story, for which, in fact, I don’t really know what to tell for a description ! I mean, there’s happy sex, the drawings : you can guess they’re good otherwise I wouldn’t share it and you’ve got illustration pictures, the scenario : there IS one, but it’s not very consistent, just enough to emphasize that women are creatures beyond our reach, us the poor males. Conclusion, as usual : see for yourselves |
For MORE Ueno Naoya hentai, Cf. the list of his works on Hentairules
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Many thanks to DesuDesu and Setebos for this one. It is hard to comment on the story without spoiling anything, so all I can say is that I liked how it ended. Thanks for sharing this, Oliver.
…I wasn't expecting that ending. Thanks for this share
lol, I was about to delete it halfway, and then I saw the twist. It was so simple yet so excellent, great manga
No story but nice feelings =)
That was a pretty funny ending. Nice share.
This is from the same guy who did the "The cat from the forth floor" hentai, right? The style is similiar anyway :O
From what I was able to find online, The Cat From Fourth Floor was done by someone named Tateno Tomoki. Ueno Nayoya did A Suite, which Oliver is sharing here:…
Ueno Nayoya also did a story called Blood Relation, which Oliver doesn't have here, but I did find it over on FAKKU!:
soooooo gooooood
lmao xD