My Wish (English, Complete], by Yasuhara Tsukasa

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 22 comments
Tags: comedy

First time anal, followed by first time vaginal, YAY !

You may appreciate to know a “new complete but more complete version” is now available on that page :)

I leave some potentially interesting stuff I had written below at the time this blog post was still new…

I’ve read a scientific magazine recently, and I’ve seen a surprising note about incest. While we all believe this is a taboo for biological reasons, and not for cultural reasons, it’s mostly the opposite.

Several other animal species are regularly practicing incest, and it can present huge improvements for their race. On the individual level, incest increases the risk of inheriting two recessive alleles, and it’s possible that these allelles are of the lame type, bringing an impairing specificity. You may have just one recessive allele, it won’t “express” itself and you’ll be safe – but have two, and then the shit may begin, so sex within family members doubles the risk. But when you look at the whole race, the incest system quickly allows to elimine the bearers of impairing alleles from the common genetic pool, be they dominant or recessive.

On the other hand, reproduction with members of other groups won’t reduce the number of impairing recessive alleles. It still has the overwhelming advantage of increasing genetic diversity, of course.

That’s funny, isn’t it ? Of course, our sweet mother nature doesn’t give a fuck about us individually (look : everything happening to us past the average age of reproduction isn’t affected by darwinian evolution forces, diseases, problems, slow ebbing away of what makes us proud of ourselves… fuck you, mother nature, really fuck you), so it’s the interest of random individuals VS the interest of a whole race…

The conclusion : bang your sister ! Simply, I’m shaken to see that incest is a taboo only because of cultural reasons :shock:

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14 years ago

Oliver said:
"As predictable as it was, the ending felt good."

I agree, which goes to show how hentai has changed how I feel about incest stories. I used to feel a bit uncomfortable when reading an incest story. Sure, I thought the sex was hot, and it actually made it more exciting to think that the characters were brother and sister, because of how *wrong* it was. But then I started reading some manga stories, both hentai and non-hentai, about brothers and sisters who were in love, and how unfair it was that they couldn't be together just because society said so.

I now actually look forward to stories where a brother and sister decide to forget about the social consequences and start a relationship because they are in love with each other. I also actually dislike the stories where the relationship between the brother and sister ends because they "can't do this anymore" and she goes and gets married to some other guy. Talk about a warped sense of right and wrong…

Anyways, I should shut up before this gets much longer. Many thanks to Sayo and Setebos for the translation and funding, and thanks Oliver for sharing it here.

14 years ago
Reply to  Zathael

It's very uncomfortable when you see such situations but reading the ending just puts a smile on your face.

I use to stay away from incest stories a while back but now I gotta say I feel exactly the same as you, lol.

The Hindu in Ohio
The Hindu in Ohio
14 years ago

Don't really care for the incest but the romance was a little refreshing.

14 years ago

Ah…nothing beats happy sex…
and yeah…of course it's only cultural…society think its disgusting…so we have no choice but to view it the same way…
Personally I think there is no problem with incest…well…If they love each other…not just horny…
One more thing…at least incest is better than parents who rapes their children…

14 years ago

I know that most of the reason it's a taboo is cultural, but i just can't get into it. My imagination tends to run away with itself when i read hentai and the first time it ran away with one of THESE scenarios…it turned me off to incest stories forever. I did not need to think of my siblings that way.

Strange One
Strange One
14 years ago

I like your first conclusion. But you and Zathael both bring up good points. Good luck convincing the rest of the close-minded bastards though…
Good share as always, Oliver!

14 years ago

Thanks Oliver. Can't wait to read this one.

14 years ago

well while i don't necessarily condone bro/sis incest although it is kinda sad that in real life they can't just come out and say they love each other,
cousin incest is a ok with me ^_^ although even THAT is considered Taboo in the states, *sigh* at least i live in california

14 years ago

Oh, I already knew about the incest thing since quite a while so I was never really bothered.
I'm more suprised at the fact that you found out just recently.

Well anyway, thank's to all responsible parties for this share.

14 years ago


1. grade incest (brother/sister, parent/child) doesn’t just double the risk of genetic disorders but increases ist by almost an order of magnitude:

– with non-related parents it’s about 4%

– with direct cousins it’s about 5-6%

– with 1. grade relatives it’s 30-50%!

2. while rezessive genes would be “ruled out” somewhat through intensive inbreeding (and dying off of the weak before they can procreate), that’s not necessaery at all for dominant disorders who appear no matter what, although quite a bit of them only manifest in later years, giving the carrier enough time to procreate. Additionally, those genetic disorders wouldn’t just magically dissapear from a specie’s gene pool – they happen all the time to healthy parents through mutation, by a simple “reading error” during chromosomal interaction.

3. NEVER forget that most “real-world” incest is between relatives with significantly different social status and/ore age – making it rather difficult for the lower one to make a concious dicision instead of just being forced into it. This is especially true in Japan with it’s strict social-status-aware society – hence those “sweet” oniichan/imouto sceniarios.

14 years ago

Sometimes incest does get overlooked though… There was a case of a brother and sister who were seperated from their parent at a very young age, but met up when they were older and fell in love, only to find out after their marriage that they had the same parent all along just that both of them weren't informed by their foster family. The genetic things they said about incest are true to some point, and of course we all understand why it is taboo, but still… It wouldn't feel completely wrong if the brother or sister living with you your whole life who understands you more than anybody else be your partner would it? @@ I'm not suggesting it feels completely right either :D

General Hentai
General Hentai
14 years ago

There's also the issue of the increased odds of when the child(ren) from incest go on to breed with non-related partners, bringing with them a higher risk factor. Our cultural taboos come from tens of thousands of years of human history where we've witnessed what happens with human inbreeding, the Hapsburgs, for instance.

Japan, and much of the East has something of a different take on this. We're not that far removed from when the Japanese nobility had more inbreeding than the West did in the past thousand years, or even marriages between cousins in lower society as well was not uncommon. That undercurrent exists in today's Japan, making incest-themed material more common than in the West.

14 years ago

Well thanks for the up….
Incest or regular….Like Aliza (Wife) said….."Sex is sex, love is love….why bother…"
If you love someone, either it be sister or a friend; It's your choice, mate :D Go for it
No one has the right to say that you "can't " love someone in my mind
Well there's my 2-cents, and now I'm off to the gun range :D

14 years ago

>or even marriages between cousins in lower society >as well was not uncommon.

Global-wise marriage between 1. grade cousins (= sharing *one* grandparent) isn’t really uncommon, there are even cultures where cousins (mostly cross cousins)are considered preferable marriage partners:

14 years ago

Thanks for the Share, i loved it.

And like Jags said (or Aliza): Love is Love, right why bother *thumps up* I dont really get all that taboo on incest. Rape does not equally incest and incest is not always rape. I have more friends which were raped by strangers and so on, then family members (Its sad, that human kind is not above rape. Well..>_> ) And for all, no, if you bother to check the history, the habsburgs didnt even that often inbreed. Cause dont forget all the bastards and not-known-bastards and they had many of that. (A Chambermaid was pregnant…oh well…the queen got pregnant from someone…oh well, just say its his.). The Habsburg werent ill because of incest (it true, some were of a gentler notion some not, human happens to be) but because of the society and training they were undergoing all there life.

So as i see it, first the genepool is big enough, i dont need to have sex with a family member to have my child born with disfigurements (thats the stories you get to hear when you´re a child. Incest is bed, cause your future baby will be deformed. Ok…>_> ) And what happens happens. There are wrong programmed genes or whatever in everyone, sometimes it sucks, sometimes not.
I will just shut up now. Thanks for the sharing. ^-^ I always like what i find here ~ nyo

14 years ago

Incest is a culture taboo. But let's be honest…would you really care if your relative is the person you really love? Think of him/her and nothing more? if i had a sister and she would look absolutely fabulous and she feels the same for me…believe me…i would bang her every chance i get and nothing could stop us….fuck the risk….life is full of risks…even "normal" love between man/women or man/man or women/women is risky…

14 years ago


14 years ago

actually in history
in early era, incest is allowed, cause lack in population in that time, but after a period of time it become useless even very risk
we know that there is disease which genetic inherent, so do you imagine for example
there is genetic desease diabetes in your family, then you have incest, your offspring will double the risk of genetic desease
i have a son and daughter, and i love them so much
it would be very cruel and selfish(from my point of view), if we in purpose give them a double risk disease!!!

Incest manga is best
Incest manga is best
14 years ago

Ewwwwwwwww don't see why i'll bang my sister, definitely my cousins but not my sis

Incest fun
Incest fun
14 years ago

hi, interesting topic so I decided to comment, I love these mangas and thanks alot for providing them, doing a great job.
if u believe the bible (which i dont) it all started with incest, thats how population grew, and it was accepted until fairly recently, some societies probably still do, somewhere in africa or wherever, so it is probably in our blood to get attracted to family so to speak, even thinking about revolution, it still makes sense, that was probably how species got how they are, thats why some of us are interested/like incest and its forms(manga/novel/movie etc)

14 years ago

That's a very interesting look at the incest theme. Personally, I see no problem with it as long as the partners agree to it, and they are both healthy. There are plenty of real life stories, one of which I read a couple of months ago, where a father/daughter who were estranged met years later and ended up falling in love. They had a kid together and the kid was said to be perfectly healthy. From the picture I saw of the family, the child had no visible deformities. I would be interested to know what you're source was, in other words, what the name was of the magazine you read that in. When I first started reading incest stories it was completely by accident (looking through random stories and got curious), but since then I've gotta admit I really enjoy them, particularly Mother/Son and Brother/Sister stories.