Just a small question, for the Photoshop wizards :)
Hello, if you’re gifted with Photoshop, could I ask you a simple small question ?
In as little words as possible : how could I force a smooth transition between two zones of different colors, or of different grayscale tones/patterns ?
Content-aware and/or (more usually) the clone brush may help on small zones, but on large zones, I’m still lost for tricks.
Look at this example, I joined two pictures into one, and around the stockings of the girl, in the middle, there is an ugly vertical difference of tones.
Today as I write it, whatever I tried, I am unable to fix it. Clone brush ? Fail. Selecting the transition zone and content-aware ? Fail. Blur, sharpen, sponge, burn ? Fail.
– And I would really like to improve, so please, if there’s a way to do it correctly, I’ll be very grateful if you can share your knoweledge
Update : one of the persons who replied, Harco, seems to have come up with a perfectly working solution for the present picture, thanks to him ! However, I’m NOT closing the question, I’m certain there are various ways of achieving the same result, and I’m eager to learn – keep on dumping helpful comments on the improvement of hentai pictures, they may transform themselves into more awesomeness on your hard disks some day
That's perfectly acceptable quality. I can tell what you mean, but as it is, not too bad.
I'm a perfectionist, you know ^^
If I'm to learn how to do something, then I want to learn how to do it well, without stopping halfway
Adjust contrast on one part of the page maybe?
This would only place the problem on another part of the picture, without solving it….
Have you tried the healing brush tool? this tool basically will do what you want, it smooths the colors of the area you use it (it works similarity to the clone stamp or the dodge tool) however the smoothing can blur the area and it can produce some hap hazard effects to proceed with caution.
Yep, I tried. But this works as a localized content-aware brush, so in the case of that picture (try it, you'll see what I mean !), it has the same flaws as content-aware.
I read that Adobe was so proud of content-aware that, with CS5, the healing brush was made to be use content-aware. It might have been different with older versions of photoshop, that I do not know…
well, if you mean the shadow-like thing…I think it's kinda difficult. if you're workin' with two layers, the best would be to add a mask on the higher one and go brushing, even though I don't guarantee the result.
another option could be to copy the pattern and do this part again… probably the result would be better…but it's kinda tough…
hope this helped…
The result of a few clicks with the Clone Stamp:
I think the trick is to use a large, soft brush. That's because a soft brush is strong at the center, but fades towards the edge so you won't see the effect of the Clone Stamp so clear there. Just what you need when making smooth transition.
I hope this doesn't sound too confusing btw… it's difficult for me to explain this well in English. :P. But I guess you can compare it with the feather effect when you select something.
This is perfect
I think I see what you mean, but please, could you be more specific, and, for instance, paste a screenshot of your photoshop open with the clone brush settings you used for that picture ?
Thanks a lot, Harco !
This is perfect
I think I see what you mean, but please, could you be more specific, and, for instance, paste a screenshot of your photoshop open with the clone brush settings you used for that picture ?
Thanks a lot, Harco !
I tried to reproduce your result, but without success :/
Could you develop more what you mean, please ?
Sure thing. I created a screenshot of my settings:
First you select the Clone Stamp tool. Then you select one of the soft brushes. It doesn't matter which size, because you'll probably want to change it. 69px (I swear this was a coincidence) worked fine for me, but maybe you'll find that another size works better for you. Somewhere between 40px and 100px should be fine. There are other settings left, but as far as I can tell, they aren't essential for a good result.
With the right tool and the right settings, you can start editing. Alt+click with the Clone Stamp tool somewhere right of the sudden transition for a good sample. Then position the center of the brush on the transition line and start clone stamping until you reach the end of the line (somewhere around the same height as the heel of the girl's foot). The result may still be a little bit messy, but that can be solved by sampling a few other spots and improvising a bit.
Well, I hope this helps… I think it's still a bit confusing, but all I can give you are the settings and some general tips, really. The actual editing leans heavily on improvising and random sampling, until you get an acceptable result. The first time I did it with this image, it looked horrible. But the second time it looked great. So maybe you'll have to try a few times before you're content with the result.
I'll try again with these settings, then.
Thanks, really ^_^
select the part and try to adjust using the levels tool [Ctrl+L]
here u are a simple tut
That won't do, the problem lies precisely in the missing graduation between two zones.
for what I can see you have different contrast levels in the two pics…always try to keep the two images in different layers and work with them independently; I think that you can fix this using the “rectangular marquee tool” with a 10 or 20 pix in the “feather” option…chop a little bit of the two images, on the right side of one and the left side of the other ( assuming that the two pics overlap in the ending of one and beginning of the other ) and then adjust the brightness/contrast of one of the two pics until they coincide. Try to match the contrast sharpen level of the two…
see like this, a little bit better.
http://img199.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=06870_… http://img199.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=06870_…
(this comment has been edited by Oliver, reason : broken HTML code)
Dublicate the picture, move it sideways.. lower opacity to match the copys texture of the socks to the original. Erase the parts on the copy that is outside of the sock of the original. (make a safety copy of the cpoy incase you mess up on next step) Now blend what is left of the copy to the original with a big soft eraser. finish with regulate opacity and/or brightness.
An easy fast way… but there are multiple ways of doing it. Be creative with layers. Most things can be done using the basics without relying on a specific tool.
By the way, Its pretty unnesessary to copy the hole picture haha .. just copy the part you need.
just create an adjustment layer (try curves first, and various adjustment on the curves) over the original image, then on the mask channel of the adjustment layer you can use black/grey/white colored brush (paint it on the adjustment layer) to reduce or add the effect of the curves.
ah, this is my short video tutorial about my simple theory above, hope its helps /1.5 mb avi xvid
what i did was select area of the leg that i want to fix. in our case the color is too dark so i using the selection copy a lighter area and place it on top of the area i want to fix. change mode to soft light and use soft brush to erase parts and dodge and burn tools to make it more precise with color.
try patch healing the area in parts
was wondering from what h manga that picture is?
It's from triple HHH that was posted recently
Just do it by hand like the good old days.
With a bit of work I think that you can disguise the seam with the tool to overexpose/subexpose to lighten or darken with brush http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/2926/clipboard…
I know this is out of place but… what is the title of the manga of that picture? XD
I’m sorry it won’t happen again.
I think it's Triple H by Distance.
Yep, I'm amazed it had to be precised, but thanks Kid ^^
Maybe something like this?
here is psd with layers
I used brightness/contrast correction layer with mask. To make a mask i’ve blurred problematic area and then selected it with Quick selection tool(see the layer in psd i provided)
Hope it will help you.
Ps: bad English, sorry
i'm sorry, but, where is that picture from???
which is the hentai tha has it?