Another World chapter 5, + the chapters 0 (“Hand”, Uncensored version) -1-2-3-4-5 in another Zip [English, 151 pictures], by Yuzuki N’ Dash
Update : I now share the complete version, follow that link !
Update : I now share the complete version, follow that link !
Great share ^^ But i pity that shonen, his girlfriend a anal whore ^^
Thanks Oliver for the shares! If it isn't too much trouble, If you ever did confirm that this is the complete set, could you just give us a notice for it? Thx again…
Many thanks Oliver. I believe there is at least one more chapter that has not been translated yet.
There is 1 more untranslated chapter that needs to be translated.
the new one isn't really part 5 its actually a side story called Yume no Youna Hibi(Dream-like Days). I've already seen it in a few place and its always mislabeled, how or why I don't know. In case anyone's wondering the order of events go
1. Hand
2. Yume no Youna Hibi 1
3-6. Another World
7. Yume no Youna Hibi 2(althou it mostly takes place along side Another World it end slightly after Another World ends).
yea the last chapter basically retells another world 1-4 from the boyfriends point of view and continues where chapter 4 left off the raw is out so should only be a matter of time until its released
There is incest in it??!
Yep, in the "Hand" part.
i'd just want to clear things up, are we just waiting for a FINAL chapter to conclude the story or are there more than 1 chapter left?
Well the plot ends with the last chapter of Another world and the last chapter of Yume no Youna Hibi, now if N Dash continues the story we'll have to wait for Comic Mujin 09-2010
oh! so it already has ended, we still got 1 more chapter to go but it's not a plot continuation,,, too bad, the delinquent was a better match for the girl. anyways, thanks!
yeah he was, plus the "hand" chapter made me feel bad for his character..i kind of wish she dumped the bf and went with him but that could be just me… XD
another world and hand are completely finished and theres still once chapter left to be translated of yume no youna hibi, the raw for that last chapter was already released just a matter of time for someone to scanlate it hopefully yuzuki does continue it may as well go for the complete ntr end imo
where can i find raw last chapter ?
search for Comic Mujin 07-2010
thank you for the share as always Oliver..
gotta up date my files.. been away for 2 months, and i havent read my latest downloads
Thanks Oliver, Desu and Anon. You know, this chapter actually made me like this girl… which makes it all the more 'frustrating' (nothing to rage about, but still) that she ends up cheating on her boyfriend because she is just thát thick.
Well, I hope the last chapter is translated soon. I really need some closure here.
Oh a continuation of hands, I never know it is prequel to another story, great!!
Thanks Desu, Anon, and Oliver.
lol wow love this one, from what I see:
she digs the punk she loves what he does to her – BF is a good guy…. end lol
she did't think twice – BF had to beg for it
only reason she is no with him is because he did't ask first – BF= pet hamster
I have not seen the end but she will stay with BF why? " Good guy" lmao even do she and the punk are perfect match
I really love this one two thumps up!!!!
I sense an School Days type of ending.
if the bf snapped and went out to sea with her head in a bag that'd be epic, I can count on one hand the # of ntr stories where the bf/husband did something other then stand there like a f**king statue.
also they're all better off alone. the bf starts having doubts about his girl(rightly so), and thats no way to continue a relationship cause those insecurities will start acting up. also growing a pair wouldn't hurt.
that girl is stupid, regardless of your reason no man wants you to cheat on him. especially when you yourself don't know what you even want. from my perspective she doesn't love her bf and only started dating him half out of pity and the other half cause he made her feel appreciated. if she really loved hm she would have never carried on that affair like she did, a drunken indiscretion while no less painful is alot easier to forgive then a prolonged relationship, there's nothing anyone can say to convince me that you can inflict that type of emotional damage that'll come if your cheating comes to light on someone you claim to love(I'm old fashioned like that), also she wouldn't have wavered like she did when that asshole asked her to keep cheating out her bf. I also say she's stupid because really as devoted she tried to make herself out to be she could have read magazines like she did in the beginning and done some self-training another thing is now that she's gotten hook on anal and brought it up to her bf she doesn't realize that he never said he wouldn't do it just that he wouldn't force her to do it but her lust addled brain will probably think that going back to that asshole is the only way to get her fix.
the punk is an asshole, and an opportunistic one at that, sure he's broken, sure his situation is screwed up but he's still an asshole. there are plenty of people with screwed up situations but they don't all take it out on other people. sure his piece-of-work sister royally screwed him up and over but she out of the picture now and he maybe young but he's no longer a kid it time he took some responsibility for his actions. he's not looking for a lover he's looking for a replacement for his sister and once her initial lust fades so would their relationship unless he man'd up and tried to make something of himself along the way. I'm a big believer in personal responsibility so it always irritates me when people blame their shortcomings on others, it may(or may not) be true that they made you that way but it was your choice to stay so.
well first off if you've read all that congratulations, also despite all that text I do realize that this is fiction and therefore logic doesn't apply but it had to said anyway, lol.
lol redbone i see your point, but i do like the punk kid, and i think he might have liked her since the end of "hand" i think he went out of his way to get on her nerves to get her attention, and look at how much he got lol(the list) i hope she dumps the bf and goes for the punk imo
hey you got a good point, I think she likes the punk since the end of hands and yes she start dating out of pity that's why I mention the "good guy" lol I don't see anything good on the bf he is push over -_- …. I like the punk yes he is broken yes he may have not a chance in hell to change but he is not doing anything in purpose she looks for him in my opinion she is always watching for what he does or like those little thinks like… o yeah got notes for you or I want us to graduate together even do she should be hating his guts for been such a dutch… and btw I read all of it and wow nice statement good points but I still think the way seems set up the punks is the best of the two guys I mean come on….. she's is looking after him 24/7 and he start going to school because of her I got that after seen hand make a lot more sense to me everything on another world that I could't make up is so simple jet so funny.
I thought is what it is get to the good stuff even if does't make any sense lol but hand shows why they are connected also could be that he is her little want to convert him to the good side type of project lmao.
well bottom line I like the punk even if he is dutch the bf is boringgggg….. but I still have to se the end : P
I'm aware this is fiction and no relation ones so ever to real life is just fun and enjoyment and sorry for the long speech >.<
the "To be Continued" gets me everytime.
while I see where the pro-asshole faction's coming from I don't agree that her having the list is anything other then her over-inflated sense of responsibility, and the wanting to graduate thing, her expression looked more like a mixture of guilt at having rejected him(despite his front she knew she obviously hurt his feelings) and remorse for having dragged him into her half-assed scheme then her regretting choosing he bf over him. well we'll have to wait until Yume no Youna Hibi 2 is translated(or a later chap) to know(hopefully) which way she goes.
She's depicted as a busybody class rep and probably keeps notes of everyone in class. She's shown as being strict and enforces the rules on everyone without fear so that's why she brought class notes for the delinquent because he probably skipped on classes. In short, she takes her job as class rep very seriously.
Anyway, the problem is that for a person who is supposedly smart, she is rather lacking in common sense which is why the scenario turns out this way. She actually "practiced" for a week for her first time with her boyfriend because their first attempt was'nt successful because it hurt too much for her to proceed and she felt that her boyfriend's feelings were hurt because of that failed first attempt. That's why she was thinking about doing some self-training in anal sex first after her boyfriend's casual comment about trying anal. It was the delinquent who took advantage of the situation and offered to help train her in anal sex and her lack of common sense that made her agree.
I saw her get on the case of a bunch of other classmates as part of her personality and her job as class rep, the only thing different is that this delinquent had an anal sex mag that led to her boyfriend commenting that he might want to try it and things escalated from there. Even if the delinquent had asked her out before her boyfriend did it would be very unlikely that she would have accepted because not only was she not interested in a relationship back then but he's the opposite of her persona as the strict upright class rep. They have a sexual relationship that started because she thought her boyfriend was interested in anal sex and she was dumb enough to think that she would'nt start to enjoy it which is probably why she agreed to the arrangement but now she's addicted to anal.
With her boyfriend, they probably let their feelings develop for a while before having sex. With the delinquent, it started out as anal sex to prepare for her boyfriend but now she probably likes the anal sex more than regular sex with her boyfriend. Can't wait to see how Yuzuki finishes this off. Either way the boyfriend is going to find out because he already suspects something. The question is she going to fess up and then he satisfies her both ways or is she going to chicken out and continue to cheat on him until she gets found out?
Sorry for the long rant.
Basically the moral is nice guys finish last
well every girl(at least the ones I've heard from) goes thru a period where they're attracted to guys that treat them like shit, thankfully most grow out of that. my guess has always been its because of their maternal instinct that they try to "fix" the guy, and surprisingly some actually succeed.
Hi, Oliver, I'm french, so pardon my bad english!!!
I found a sequel of Another World in the Comic Mujin 2010/07 (a real sequel,after Another World part 4!)
Do you want it for translate? So yes, e-mail me!!
Animall, I *think* I've read this one had already been commissioned for translation, but could you send me one or two pictures from this one, just to be sure ?
Are you offering to translate it into English, or into French ? ^^
nice actually what big fappa and redbone say was my second choice for the development, probably is what the mangaka is going for after all, but yeah nice guys end last always lol got to wait for the last one to see what happens but I'm sure she sticks with the boyfriend and jet I still like the asshole better at lease that the BF does something different by the end he is just a side character to me , but if there is really sequel I need to see it : P very very badddd……….
Oliver, i’ve send you a complete chapter with a miroriii file. World-Sequel-zip.html
I believe this chapter isn’t the last. The final will be coming next month or september, I think!!!
I couldn’t translating because i’m not good in this domain, sorry!!! ^^
You know netorare never made much sense to me as fapping material. Well then again neither did tentacles, loli, futa, incest…
Wait why do i like hentai again?
Anyways despite the ntr theme Another World has to be one of my favourite H-mangas ever. The "villain" is such an awesome character and something you don't see much in H, a bad boy character who actually cares for and tries to pleasure the woman he is dominating. Win.
Thanks Oliver you're a legend
At the end of the last chapter is that it goes on. Maybe someone knows something about it? Please!