Pack of 3 hentai works by D.P : Seaside House (Uncensored !), My NEET Girlfriend, and Boy Meets Girl [English]
I’m catching up on the stuff by DP I wasn’t sharing yet, including in this something released just today, and uncensored just today too
This pack contains Boy Meets Girl (a bit loliconish, warning), My NEET Girlfriend (lol, a human Poko ^^;;), and Seaside House (uncensored by H9E, thanks man ! ^^). Thanks a lot to a lot of guys : YQII, Brolen, Mike, Setebos, Tenshi_MKII, Nashrakh, Calyx and High Nine Eleven !
Scenario-wise, these are simple stories with just mild interest, however I was, in hindsight, struck by the fact they had a much stronger mono no aware feeling than the average hentai production… don’t you think ?
(I share other marvels by DP, check the list of his works ! )
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(27 MB, 66 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Just a remark, about the “mono no aware” thingy I mentioned above, this is REALLY an essential part of the Japanese soul, read the description given in the link above, if you’re not familiar with it yet
And if I should recommend you ONE non-hentai manga using this theme, follow that link
i couldn't believe it at first but when she got to the futon,,,it really is Poko.
Well, they are drawn by the same mangaka, so it's not *that* big of a surprise.
Thanks for the UP'age mate
One stop shopping for the D.P fans. Many thanks Oliver.
Thanks YQII, Brolen, Mike, Setebos, Tenshi_MKII, Nashrakh, Calyx, H9E, and Oliver. Can't wait to read this one.