Pack of 3 hentai works by D.P : Seaside House (Uncensored !), My NEET Girlfriend, and Boy Meets Girl [English]

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 5 comments

DP has not ONLY made the Poko serie :)

I’m catching up on the stuff by DP I wasn’t sharing yet, including in this something released just today, and uncensored just today too :D

This pack contains Boy Meets Girl (a bit loliconish, warning), My NEET Girlfriend (lol, a human Poko ^^;;), and Seaside House (uncensored by H9E, thanks man ! ^^). Thanks a lot to a lot of guys : YQII, Brolen, Mike, Setebos, Tenshi_MKII, Nashrakh, Calyx and High Nine Eleven !
Scenario-wise, these are simple stories with just mild interest, however I was, in hindsight, struck by the fact they had a much stronger mono no aware feeling than the average hentai production… don’t you think ?

(I share other marvels by DP, check the list of his works ! :D )

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(27 MB, 66 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Just a remark, about the “mono no aware” thingy I mentioned above, this is REALLY an essential part of the Japanese soul, read the description given in the link above, if you’re not familiar with it yet :)

And if I should recommend you ONE non-hentai manga using this theme, follow that link ;)

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14 years ago

i couldn't believe it at first but when she got to the futon,,,it really is Poko.

14 years ago
Reply to  ragebolt

Well, they are drawn by the same mangaka, so it's not *that* big of a surprise.

14 years ago

Thanks for the UP'age mate :D

14 years ago

One stop shopping for the D.P fans. Many thanks Oliver.

14 years ago

Thanks YQII, Brolen, Mike, Setebos, Tenshi_MKII, Nashrakh, Calyx, H9E, and Oliver. Can't wait to read this one.