Uncensored Version of Kui Communication [English, 210 pictures], by Saida Kazuaki
With approximatively two billion thanks to Setebos, Desu and High Nine Eleveven, here is the now UNCENSORED version of Kui Communication, by Saida Kazuaki
The drawings are beyond awesome, no less, and very hardcore (nothing stronger than DP, don’t worry). The scenarii are quite funny and original for most of them. So, rather than a super-long story as I write them too often, I’ll summarize in three words : go . for . it !
Also, don’t forget to check the list of all the shares by Saida Kazuaki on Hentairules!
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(100 MB, 210 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
I owe you this warning, some chapters are too borderline in terms of age, at least in my book, with one straight loli chapter. I still share the manga because of all the other OK chapters, but well… you’re warned :/
The sharing matrix file size is onl 192 KB. Quite a compression…
Wow, I'm so good at compressing hentai !
OK, I'm reuploading, sorry ^^;;
this has almost nothing to do with anything, but most of the easy-share links for older shares have died. like the pururun serie and A-1 to A-7 serie.
Yeah, the easy-share mirrors are dead, and I'd need days lasting 30 hours to fix it all -_-
That's all I have to say….
That and my mind is pretty much dead from work…so yeah….
Many thanks to DesuDesu, Setebos, and H9Eleven for this one, it is an amazing piece of work. Thanks Oliver for sharing it here.
Tell me, Zathael-dono, you wouldn't happen to be an Angel of Sanctification, would you?
sharing matrix – fail
Many thanx Oliver.
Wow, thanks to all who contributed to this.
It's sample scans like the ones above that make reading these so worthwhile. Many, many thanks Setebos, Desu, High Nine Eleven, and Oliver.
Thanks mann!!!!…………
Hey guys if any one likes technical or educational works please visit my blog and comment how is it …please!!!!! http://engg-project.blogspot.com
None of the mirrors work.
Thanks, I’m on it
I love it Oliver ^^