Non Fiction [English], by Yuzuki N’ Dash

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 7 comments
I didn't understand why the story is called "Non Fiction" ?? o_O

At first, I was going to write “Look, at last, a translated work by Yuzuki N’ Dash without NTR or weird stuff, it had been far too long !”…

But then, I thought again… Non Fiction (and why is it called like that, “non fiction” ? o_O) is a story about a guy groping a sleeping woman because he loves her, and she wakes up only after she’s been penetrated. Of course, they discover they were in love with each other and she was dreaming of this, but…. hey, it’s still disturbing :shock:

Oh well, fook it, the drawings are pleasant and there’s no netorare, it’s already jolly good ^^ My grateful thanks go to Desu and “Father Hentai” Setebos :)

(MOAR! For more stuff by this artist, Cf. The List of Yuzuki N’s Works on Hentairules)

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14 years ago

Meh, I guess I liked "reading" (Can't read japanese so I just make up a dialog to suit the situation) it better when it was a RAW. I do hope some more Onekore chapters are translated…

14 years ago

In my opinion this work is not as disturbing as u think, Oliver. She makes him penetrates. Just before he enters her, she makes her moves, that's why he is so surprised.

What does disturb me, is the common theme for this work and "Another World" – its cowardice :/ Man, just bunch of sissy coward fucks. Unable to name their feelings, and desires. And even bring them apart. Believing, that feelings don't need to be spoken, that they are transmitted in some way to the other person. And cowards in so many other ways (unable to realize that their feelings are alive or opposite – extinguished, too fucking afraid of getting hurt or rejected. WTF? Trash with no back bone:/ ).
Fuck, I hate cowards:/

But I like the fact, that story turns out quite well, onee-chan makes her moves :)

14 years ago

Hmm, do I see a little of DISTANCE like style on that bust?

14 years ago
Reply to  Ensei

watch and learn I guess….

14 years ago

haha that that window at the end is so funny!! hahaah

14 years ago

WOOHOO no NTR!!! (does a little dance)
Happy lovey sex will always win ALWAYS!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

thank god Yuzuki N didn't keep going with NTR
emo NTR is bad NTR =/
thanks for sharing :D