Persona hentai doujin [English] : Forbidden Game, by Imperial Chicken

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 2 comments
Hentai rape ? Not hentai rape. Hmph.

I wasn’t sure I was going to share that one. Good side : it is drawn by an artist I like a lot (cf just below the list of my Imperial Chicken shares), and the graphical talent is visible behind the midly objectible contents.

Wrong side : is that supposed to be called hentai rape ? Is this supposed to be a scenario ? Jebus. Oh well, you decide, anyway ;)
Nonetheless, I’m grateful to LD, Panzuriel, Morning Star and Cero_13, from Soba Scans, thanks guys !

By Imperial Chicken, I share other goodies of much greater interest : there is Nurse Nene-san, Mio and Arcana Homerun.

 english hentai  english hentai  english hentai

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14 years ago

Kind of a hard call on this one, had the rape part and had an amusing ending but this one didn't really cut it for me. ;P

14 years ago

A netorare with a happy ending, that's not rare but neither is it that common. The drawings are lovely, though.

I just hope my favorite artists such as Yamatogawa would never resort to netorare, even if it ends happily ('Imp' is an exception).