Pack of 3 hentai works by Drill Murata [English, 70 pictures]

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 7 comments
Tags: MILF
Too bad the artist has a taste for lame scenarii

There we are, the 3-works pack I was planning to share yesterday, I gathered everything I could find by Drill Murata to give a bit more interest to this pack ^^

Graphically, this is rather nice, intense sex, however the artist seems to love messed up stories (incest, not the cutest, sigh). All in all, in the end, after all, decide for yourselves :) This pack contains : Aniyome, Masako’s Lesson and Playing Around with my Brother’s Wife.

My thanks go to Desudesu, YDKMFJ of MIH, Saha and Whyld, and another guy whose name I couldn’t decipher because of Saha’s fugly default font choice in his credits ¬_¬

By Drill Murata, I also share Female Teachers chapter 1 and Playing Around With My Brother’s Wife 1-2.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(18 MB, 70 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – Zip Mirror #3

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14 years ago

I looked at that credits page you mentioned, Oliver, and I am pretty sure the commissioner's name is Ecwphilyeew.

Thanks for sharing this multi-pack.

14 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.

14 years ago

there was a manga that was share on this site a while back. It was almost identical to Makasa's Lesson from this share. The only difference was that in that manga, the teacher daydreams the gangbang with the class. In that one the teacher says if everyone aces the test, she will do anything the class says. In the end when she wakes up from the daydream, the students just ask her to take them out for dinner.

Can ne1 tell me the name of that manga or link me to that share if possible. I like the graphics in that manga a lot better. I wish i could remember the name or the author but sadly i cant.

14 years ago

so you can relate to how frustrating it is lol. After reading this i have a strong urge to read that one again and i cant find it anyway. I must have gone through like 3-4 months worth of shares here and i cant find it. Damm.

14 years ago

Ah thanks for the share…
Wish we all could do something to help out HR more…like sweep the floors or wipe down the windows to show our thanks.
Well thanks :D

12 years ago

thanks again Oliver :D