Uncensored version of Hacyuechi chapters 1, 3 and 8 [English, absolutely CUTE, arousing even before sex begins], by Rico

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 10 comments

Argl. Just argl. FUCKIN A !

Update : this picture is now obsolete, I’m sharing a more complete version on that page :)

In this chapter 1, two pictures made my day in an awesome manner :D

First, a picture that made me squeak something like *argl*

Argl. Just argl. FUCKIN A !

Second, this awesome non-explicit picture, better than a hundred hardcore explicit non-hentai pictures :D

/Need a maid

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14 years ago

*cough* second set of links is labeled chap. 3 and 8.

good shares as always though.

14 years ago

Because this is your last recent thread, I write my question here about Flattr:
I see that all your recent posts have a Flattr-button and I already clicked it 3 times on different posts. ^^

Wouldn't it be enough to have just one Flattr-Button at the front site, because each time we click on a different Flattr-Button, the money we spend would be divided,
so more Flatt-button are meaningless, aren't they?

Sorry if my english isn't perfect.

14 years ago

You can't click the same; button several times until one month passed.
(Just one click for one specific Flattr-button per month)

I click the buttons on these three posts:
1) https://flattr.com/thing/48171/English-Adult-Mang
2) https://flattr.com/thing/49044/Uncensored-version
3) https://flattr.com/thing/49045/Chapters-1-7-of-Ha

And after clicking 3 different Flattr-buttons, my "Current click value" was lowered, because I clicked different buttons.
So what I mean is this:
The value per click was lowered, but all the buttons I clicked belong to you, so it doesn't really matter if every post from you has a Flattr-button

So one Flattr-button on the front page would be enough, because more buttons would just decrease our "current click value"

14 years ago
Reply to  Eternal83

HA sorry, I'm an idiot. I forgot something

Person A has a monthly amount of 10€ at Flattr.
He clicked 3 different buttons on your page and 1 button on a other site.
Current click value would be 2,50€ and you would get 7,50€ at the end of the month

Person B has a monthly amount of 10€ too.
But he just clicked 1 button on your page and 1 on a other site.
Current click value would be 5€ and you would get 5€..

Sorry I have to get use to flattr ^^

14 years ago

Thanks again! :D

14 years ago

as usual gallery links rnt there…..

14 years ago

Thanks a lot Oliver for this latest chapter. If you are interested in more stuff by Rico, there are two other works I have seen translated. They are called "Maid Play" and "Sexy Lingerie", and I think they were both done by YQII.

14 years ago

Oliver I thought you don't tolerate loli ?

14 years ago

still hoping the next monzetsu uncensored version