Amagami hentai doujin [English] : The Melancholy of Tsukahara Hibiki, by Haiiro Koubou

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 2 comments
Full-color Amagami hentai art, to summarize

Having never played Amagami, I don’t know if this doujin is close or not to the real thing. So, my description will be rather short : this is a doujin with a most basic scenario : girl in swimsuit likes the idea of having sex, and has sex. Yeah, nothing awesome scenario-wise !

Graphically, this is better, the girl was beautiful enough and the full color art wasn’t bad :)

By the same artist, I also share The Sigh of Tsukahara Hibiki !

english hentai  english hentai english hentai

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14 years ago

hmm… I haven't seen it, but is there any reason it's name sounds like the melancholy of someone else? :/

13 years ago

I got here from the other part of this manga. The admin pimped it in the post so I figured I'd complete the run.

Thanks for the upload.