Show Ten Kanojo [English, 213 pictures], by Hori Hiroaki (also known as Polinky)

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 32 comments
This time, I preferred the drawings over the scenario

Setebos, the Polinky lover, strikes hard, with no less than a COMPLETE surprise manga by this artist, so thanks a LOT man, for all your love for hentai, and everything you spend on your commissions :) – oh, and thanks a lot to Desu, too ;)

And now, describing the manga. And now, really, I’m wondering how I could NOT sound like an ingrateful bastard after I commended the fantastic contribution Setebos made to the hentai world : in my eyes, there are great things in this manga, but also awful things.

The great things are without a doubt the drawings, they’re very intense, full with great sex – and consensual sex loved by all participating members, if the precision is required. Mostly usual oral, titfuck and vaginal sex, with a good dose of anal, a little bit of toys teasing and dildo play.

The problem lies with the scenario (the manga is made of three “stories”), the first half of the manga is OK (happy sex with mutual love), but the second part is best read while ignoring the speech bubbles if you have the same tastes as me (I’ll explain more below, scroll down for the TL;DR part).

(For more works by this artist, cf. The list of Hori Hiroaki’s works on HentaiRules)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(103 MB, 213 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2


Just in case, a warning about the scenario. Be there happy sex with love (first half) or netorare mixed with mind break (second half), in both cases, the manga deals with two simple ideas.
First, girls are naturally lewd, but under care of their male partners they can become addicted to sex, and then it’s the male’s responsability to make them even lewder, allowing them to lose themselves in ecstasy. About this, I don’t know how to explain it clearly… Usually, the idea of a woman becoming an addicted sex slave, calling herself a cum dump, is a wood killer for me, or at best, leaves me uninterested. In the case of this manga, this was something progressively introduced and entirely desired by the women (“as long as I can be satisfied in sex, I don’t need anything else”), so, all in all, the first half of the manga turned out to be pretty allright in my eyes, to my surprise !
But, the second big idea behind the manga, fuck it, basing a scenario on the idea that women are animals that are swayed by anyone stronger than them and will be content with the most sexually satisfying solution, this could only lead to a fucked up development as seen in the second half of the manga :|

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14 years ago

The third story, is viewed by:
1. extremely slutty woman…
2. An extreme sadist guy from a sad background…..

Well, hentai is always about either a completely faithful one and a complete slut….

The story is messed up but, no gangbangs involved so I'm fine with it….

14 years ago

Excuse me Oliver… but I'm not familiar with the "TL;DR" and "mind break" expressions you use, and neither the glossary nor context study have really lit my lantern… Where can I find an explanation ? (unless you care to give it right here :)

Thanks for all the hours of reading pleasure … the messenger deserves thanks too

14 years ago
Reply to  Svartypants

Internet lingo, short for 'too long; did not read'. Usually posted in response to long posts, signifying the commenter thought the original post was too boring, irrelevant, or of course, long.

Mind breaking is essentially crushing the woman's will and molding it into a sex-addicted addict. It's a male power fantasy type of deal and is quite common. In original works it's a turn off , but I hold exceptions for Kunoichi (female ninja) and doujin (fan-art of established works).

14 years ago

I liked it.

The art was bit unusually soft for hentai, but very nice and detailed. The end is a bit too much but the other stories were fun and good to read.

14 years ago

could u please translate this manga into english plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

please please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 translate this especially!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love hinata!!!!!!

14 years ago
14 years ago

Hey Oliver, if you want a more complete collection of translated Crimson Comics doujins why don't you try this page:

P.S. I may not post often, but I and a whole other bunch of people like me are big fans of yours and this site.

14 years ago

Your right oliver, the first half was great filled with thing I like, like shota, anal, bj's etc.
Second half, although the art was great, had a panel of yaoi, or guy on guy rape, ntr, betrayal, mind break, you name all the crappy things in hentai the second half had it now mind break i dont mind so much as long as its loving 1 on 1 mind break? i dunno how to explain it. Even still the second half completely turned me off, it was like yes! amazing ive got a great woody first half then second half i literally lost that boner, lol the art is top notch amazing, but the second half is meh. He should have just continued on with various stories about the first half. Lol

14 years ago

Just a precision, as Oliver would say: Polinky (Hori Hiroaki) is a woman.

14 years ago
14 years ago

When I first read this, I noted the comment when they first drugged the husband about him cheating on his wife and I thought that it was a pretty weak means to justify the rest of the story. If he had really been painted as an habitual cheater and general asshole, the ending would not have been so bad. But it was far too week for such a justification. The wife never even mentioned it. Endings don't have to be happy, but I wish more of them were just.

14 years ago

After re-viewing the last page of the final story, I am struck with the desire to see this guy crawl to a bureau drawer, pull out a 9 mm pistol and put three people out of his misery. Definitely an easy temporary insanity plea.

Keep up the great work and Thanks!

14 years ago

does deposit files give a virus?

14 years ago

hmm. you got my respect man. you responded to me. how unusual. :D

14 years ago
Reply to  newbie

so i dont have any virus protection so where should i download from?

14 years ago

oliver. i must say. your a pretty awesome dude.

13 years ago

hmmm…. theres one thing i dont get. first i get that you dont like mindbreak, like treating women as cumdumps, but at the same time, orgies and DPs are fine. arent they the same thing?

*sorry for the lack of punctuation, im just too lazy to bother.

13 years ago

hotfile link down

13 years ago

one of my favorites :P

12 years ago

Please update the links ~ or it is not working for me only?

12 years ago
Reply to  icebean

links are all dead for me too plz Oliver fix them up! me want XD

12 years ago
Reply to  katsu

for now heres a dl link

12 years ago

Hello Oliver. Please update the links for this. None of them are working. Thanks.

11 years ago

The links are all dead

11 years ago

This, is apparently completely un-downloadable. Quite a shame. DF link was apparently taken down due to copyright infringement, and the other two are dead sites.

10 years ago

All links dead, but this one is on the torrent.

9 years ago

LInk is DEAD

Oliver (AKA the Admin)
Reply to  Ammo

(quick hasty reply, nothing “personal” here because it’s too late and I don’t have time: your comment was in the spam folder for some reason. I just restored it, sorry)