My e-penis just grew two inches :D
I’m sorry I wasn’t active on Hentairules yesterday, my monitor had died without warning. My wife’s EePC might be enough for tweeting, but not for reading or uploading hentai, no way
Luckily, does wonders and just the next day I was receiving this little baby, 24 inches, 1920×1080, a reputation of good pre-calibrated color balance, two inches more than the late predecessor. So, now that I finished staring in awe at this fine screen, a liter of drool has been wiped off with a huge towel, I’m back to share more hentai
good choice in monitor's, i own the same one and couldn't be happier with it
I just pray it will last longer than the previous one, two years and one month, grrrr -_-
propably just survived the warranty of 24 months and broke in the 25th XD
Bah, all computer-related electronics go up in a puff of smoke within 3 years, 5 if you’re lucky.
Or a year and a half if you’re me.
So how much did this cost you? I’m thinking of getting one soon (along with a custom built PC, ofc).
223€, next-day delivery included
aww, i've only got a 21 inch monitor, not not enough to impress the ladies these days
I've currently got a laptop (really out of date, like 4.5 years old and never upgraded) and a desktop (still pretty good even though it's 3 years old). when my comp can no longer handle my games (and my ever growing storage of great H) i'll be probably sell them off cheap and get one of those new alienware M11X laptops. nothing says you're sexy like a little alien head on your e-peen
Haha, I don't belong to the same "school of thought" over PCs.
In my mind, the PC isn't made to be seen, two things matter
– what is invisible, made to satisfy the needs of the user.
– what is seen, made to be pleasant to the eye
In this regard,
– what is not seen (the tower) is 4 years old now for me, and I am perfectly satisfied, I never saw the need for a bigger GFX or more RAM, or a more powerful CPU.
Now that everybody have PCs able to do everything that is needed without nuking one's bank account, I don't feel the e-penis lies in there.
– what is visible : a kickass monitor to watch good movies, not feel the need to stick my nose on the screen to see details, and a great e-penis
In before somebody posts about how much better their dual 30 inch widescreen setup is.
doesn't it bother your wife that you look at so much hentai?
She's kinda happy with a man whose sexuality is always kept just before the boiling point, like a kettle always delivering the best water for your tea. And I'm extremely satisfied of having a kinda happy wife, in aaaaaall regards
And, time-schedule wise, we NEED distinct time tables, to have our own privacy and freedom of watching whatever we want. Couple, work, kids : you NEED your personal space and time.
haha, that's a clever metaphor! i like it. and i'm happy for you too. now, if only i could find a girl like that…
Mind you, I'm not saying we're supersexxing all day all the time. I wish we had sex every day, but that's not the case. Work, kids, tiredness, wasted occasions (having the kids barge in fully woken up a few seconds before an anal penetration after foreplay is over is simply horrible, for instance).
However, I'm still very happy with the way it is, I think it's the most optimal situation inside real life ^^
Let's face it, we are probably all addicted, whether our fetish is porn or hentai. Mind you, this is not a moral judgement, but an objective statement (I define addiction as using something to escape reality).
I’ve had my small 15 inch screen for 5 years almost T_T i wants 24 inch screen
i swear companies are implanting self destruct chips into stuff so you have to buy new ones every so often
In my experience LCDs rarely die, if ever. I still use the same NEC LCD that I purchased back in 2002.
It wouldn't surprise me though if companies have started to pull some shenanigans to increase consumer turn-around though……………
i have a big penis but nobody wants it.
Im using a crt 15" asuhaushuash xD
my samsung crt 17" just died recently too. but i only got 20" widescreen lcd as replacement tho. at least the crt is tank, been using it since i dont remember how long. so cant blame it when it dies haha
samsung baby!
Whatever happened to 1920×1200? Who decided all of a sudden that all larger monitors would now be 1920×1080? I have a 24″ SOYO Topaz S 1920×1200 that I bought on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving in the U.S.) 2007 for $250USD that has great color, no dead pixels, fast response, multiple color temps, etc, and I love it. It’s never given me any trouble. I guess they’re all 1080 now because of HDTV, but I like the extra viewing area of the 1200, especially when I pivot to Portrait mode for reading my downloads. I read them in IrfanView, and they really look good when I go full-screen.
This is rather simple, there are only TWO companies building the graphical part of monitors, and for industrial process organization, it was cheaper and safer for them to adopt the 16/9 size ratio.
I too would have preferred a higher screen vertical size, but it was super-expensive and older technology.
Where did you get that background if you cant find a link anyway you can upload it to the site?
I got it on, a great website for high resolution and very good-looking wallpapers, I highly recommend it
Thank you very much for your time and response XD
Please sir XD
I got my first LCD monitor only about 6 months ago, and it rocks! My old 17″ CRT was dying, and I thought it was time to live. I paid just over $300 AU for a 24″ Benq. Best money I ever spent.
i like samsung i got few operating machines my self
My last one laster for full 7 years, but it was just too low tech against the new Mac
Great having you back!!
sweet =O i was thinking of getting a second monitor so i can fap to some Oliver goodness AND coordinate my teammates xD
Ah! A Samsung… worst luck ever with Samsung monitors. I've lost 5 in half that many years (all under warranty, so I always get a new one… but still it infuriating). Where as I've had a little 18" NEC flat screen for 8 years and it still works like brand new…
Hopefully yours will live long.
Yo m8, I have this monitor too !! lol. (anyway i use a MiNiMAc instead…… ) greetings from Italy.!!
Bow to tah masta, little padawan!…
I humbly bow to your horse-like e-penis
Gee, I have the 22" version of the same monitor. Same resolution as well.
Dude I have the same monitor. You won't regret.
Is it the one with built in tv tuner?
If so, its the one I got just at the start of the year, and darn have I been happy with it. =O
I know how you must be feeling now, since I bought my new 23'' monitor just yesterday. And there are worlds between this and my old 17'' one.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I am.
Is that a bottle of pop in the reflection of the CD?
Nope. Cleaning moss
Really nice. You're very close now. Mine: 1900X1200, 24'', Led Display, Apple. My bad.
The additional 120 pixels were too expensive, and anyway, apple screens are delivered with apple computers, and I call that a no-go
Heck, you're using a computer made by a company that once boasted in an advert to be the anti big brother, this is very hardcore humour ^^
( j/k ofc, to each his own tastes, etcetera ^^ )
Socwall, a highly recommended website
Awesome Wallpaper! Mind if you tell me the source?
– from a fan who is extremely jealous of your monitor.
Why do you you have a CD in the corner of the screen and what is the title?
This is for size comparisons. Random CD.
I am using a similar one (Samsung 24″) – Best part about these things – turn them by 90°, set your windows to also change the screen by 90°, and then read Hentai Manga (or any other kind of comics you fancy) in fullscreen. Awesome!
I have that exact same monitor!!! It rocks!
FWIW re monitor calibration check out this as a starting point:
Good Luck
I hav ethe same Monitor, It pwns
There are way too many icons on that desktop oli.