Distorted Figures chapter 1 [English], by Otono Natsu
One of my most favorite Big Tits Specialist, Otono Natsu, returns, thanks to the great work of Wrathkal and Noel from Team Vanilla, thanks a lot ! ^^ For now, we see two neighbours (don’t let the “onii-chan” lines mistake you, there is no incest) gladly exchanging their flu virus through as many fluids exchanges as they could, with oral action, a titfuck, and vaginal sex. |
UPDATE : the current page now contains an obsolete version. Get the COMPLETE Distorted Figures on THIS page
Thanks Wrathkal, Noel, and Oliver. Can't wait to read this one.
Anyone have the raw?
This chapter is a part of PacoPaco. You can download the raw here: http://www.filesonic.com/file/17232773/Otono_Nats…
filesonic when you go to start download: 504 Gateway Time-out
there are other otono natsu untranslated work like cospet, with maybe more quality in my opinion, one chapter can also be found translated