Just a remark
I’m testing a new feature from my main imagehost, Imagevenue, allowing to “interlink” the picture (meaning you now have a “next – Previous” link to navigate to other pictures).
I’m not used to it at all, so, please, if you notice bugs, thanks to report them
And BTW, I’ve been suggested this again this evening : NO, I’m not going to self-host my pictures, this would become a crazy issue for me, both in technical and financial terms. So, I stick to free picture hosts, and I’m sorry for the hindrances it may cause you at times, like picture links dying without warning !
It's fabulous man..thanks a lot 4 interlinking the pictures
That's really great Oliver. But, could you remove the auto slide show feature. Another site had it and I'm used to viewing the images each in its own tab. So suddenly I find myself 1 or 2 pages ahead without noticing. :o
Dang, it might be a problem, I can't turn it off, it's set up by the picture host :-/
Is the slide show fast, or tolerably slow, Shengy ? (Me, I didn't see one o_O)
If I don't click on "Start Slide Show-Interval: 1 sec – 2 sec – 3 sec – 5 sec – 8 sec" I don't got it.
Errr, excuse me, I don't understand, could you rephrase it, explain it in another way, with different words ?
Well, first it's not integrated in all the galleries yet. When I opened an image from Koi No Hana's gallery the slide show feat. wasn't there.
What Noname probably means that the slide show in an image page only works if I set a time interval for changing the images (it's on top of the image panel; just like he wrote it)
I hope that's true. I haven't yet seen the slide show feat. that much yet anyway