Intelli Mushroom [English], by Denki Shougun

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 3 comments
Tags: glasses

Meganekko day =)

Why is it that meganekko, girls with glasses, are hot by principle ? I don’t know, but I enjoy them nonetheless :twisted:

Intelli Mushroom contains good things :) It starts with a One Piece parody, the beginning is humorous, and then, well, there’s good sex :) Usually, I’m wary against ahegao faces (if you don’t know the term, just read the manga, it’s the expression on the heroine when she climaxes), thinking this looks too extreme and degrading for women (have you already seen a MAN with an ahegao, hmm ?). But this time, this is mostly OK.
Thanks a lot to Biribiri, Afro Thunda and Raikoh from Doujin-Moe !

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14 years ago

Ive read this one b4, and found it a good read. As well as a good jerk off. X_X Thanks for the up, and please keep em going. This is by far THE BEST site I've managed to cum(lol) across in my search for all things hentai and doujin related.

14 years ago

Thanks Biribiri, Afro Thunda, Raikoh, Doujin-Moe, and Oliver. Those sample scans were both good to look at and funny.

13 years ago

thanks for this oli. ;o)