Boku No Seinen Kouken Nin [English, 318 pictures, COMPLETE AT LAST including the seventh part from the Tank !! Woot !!], by Saigado

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 20 comments

As a Saigado fan, I can tell you I’m proud, I’m extremely fucking GLAD to share it with you guys, this was a marvelous surprise when I received it….

Introducing, dear visitors, at last, the COMPLETE, FINISHED Boku No Seinen Kouken Nin manga ! :)

If you’re not a Saigado fan, you may have missed the big news, so here’s the idea : until today, it had been forever than only the volumes 1-6 of Kouken Nin were available in English. Only one volume was missing to make it a complete story – but that volume didn’t exist ! Pain and despair. It changed a relatively short time ago, with the publication of a tank containing the whole story, including the last non-published-before part.
This part has just recently been translated, a reediting and repacking time followed, and there you are now =)

I owe many thanks to various persons for this one :)
– the volumes 1-6 : Saha and late Doujin-World
the the volume 7, with Desu (script) and Sorenhansen465 (edits) Xander Drax (commissioning, repacking, “project manager” ^^)
And, Xander Drax, I give you a bigger thanks, personally, for handling this project and seeing it through, and at last sending me a link to share it, you’re making a GREAT thing for the community :)

There’s more to this pack : color adjustments, levels corrections, grayscales fixing, chosing the highest resolutions among various versions, bonuses, it’s all explained in the bottom of this post :)
And enjoy the comic relief character ;)

(I share MUCH more stuff by Saigado, Cf. The list of Saigado’s works on Hentairules…)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(156 MB, 318 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3 – or – Zip Mirror #4


All right, if you want to know all the details, there’s been a lot of work put into this pack. Xander Drax made a big quantity of work, and I added polishing finishes with hope to make it a definitive, final version.

I copy-paste the explanations text file I placed in the archive :

There are two sources “on the paper” :
– the initial version made of the volumes 1-6, with color covers, translated by Saha, in relatively short volumes sold like doujinshi. The censorship is relatively small, medium-size black bars.
– and a tankoubon ( if you need a definition of the term) containing the WHOLE story, including the ending that was missing from the volumes 1-6 (there ought to have been a volume 7, for this). The tank has HUGE “lightsaber” censorship.

Aaaaaand… :

– Xander Drax commissioned Desudesu for a translation of the final part, and Sorenhansen465 made the editing of this final part

– Xander Drax repacked the whole story, with his chapters 1-6 (old version) and the last part (his version)

– I took the cover and the first introduction pictures from the tank (I gave the cover a small levels correction)

– As much as possible, avoiding to use the tank pictures was a priority, the tank has so much lightsaber censorship it would ruin the fun of the readers

– I replaced his chapters 1-4 with mine, don’t ask me why there are two versions, but my versions had two advantages
(a) greater picture resolution
(b) coming from Saha, the pictures had Saha’s old picture bug (now the bug is gone, phiew), like color rainbows over the grayscale, it was very disturbing.
So I grayscaled it all to spare everyone’s eyes and remove the color rainbows.

– Xander had better versions of the chapters 5-6, so I kept his versions, I just made two changes
(a) volume 5 : grayscale conversion (Saha’s rainbows bug) + levels correction because there was no black, only soft gray
(b) volume 6 : grayscale conversion (Saha’s bug)

– And I added in the end the final part, transated by Desu and edited by Xander Drax

– Addition of the final tank pictures

– Addition as a bonus of all the pictures removed from the initial volumes publication to the tank publication : on top of all, the good-looking full-color pictures.

Thanks a LOT to Saha, Desudesu and Xander Drax !

There we are, I hope I didn’t fuck up in the process, and enjoy the Saigado goodness, everyone !

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14 years ago

I can jump for joy with you on this one mate! All of us was looking forward for this, but I wanted to wait and see the magic you can do with this masterpiece and guess what, you did! Thank you mate!
By the way, Olly, I got something I wanted to share with you. It has something to do with Saigado. I tried e-mailing it you, but it won't go, it said the file was to big. Do I actually have to upload it and send a link to you. I really don't want to do all that procedure-shit, but if that's the only way I can send it to ya… I guess I'll think about it.

14 years ago
Reply to  Gameperv

Its easy to temporarily upload files to various file servers. I like Rapidshare myself.

14 years ago

Alright guys, I shall try my best, going for mediafire. E-mail you the link when I'm done… I'll be doing this just for you Olly.

Gameperv, over and out!

14 years ago

I would like to clarify that while I did commission the script from DesuDesu, I actually farmed out the editing to a volunteer – sorenhansen465, he did the editing.

14 years ago

amazing oli is amazing :D

14 years ago

That is A LOT of effort gone into the share. Thanks Oliver! You're truly a blessing for us lazy bastards :)

14 years ago

Excellent post. Many thanx Oliver and everyone involved.

14 years ago

I'd always thought it was a cruel rumor intended to troll hentai forums. Sort of like the Duke Nukem game.

14 years ago

Oliver mind for a link trade?

14 years ago

I'm a Saigado fan but I'm not aware of this book. In any case, it looks really great. Thanks for sharing man!

14 years ago

Awesome job. Wow. Thank you. wow …
hmmm… I thought you did a pretty good job with this site, but now I am in awe…

14 years ago

Saigado is always a good read thanks for the pack. I normally just pick it up randomly but having the whole thing is gonna be fun to look at.

I am always astonished by the file sizes u released compare to the original while maintaining the quality of it. Like the recent Saida Kazuaki could only find it at 175mb/ pngs while you did jpegs and 100mb. What program do you use to rename and change the types of the pictures?

14 years ago

I wish to thank all the people who made this final and complete release of "Boku No Seinen" possible, thank you guys, i'm truly grateful for your hard work.

14 years ago

OMG! Who knew I can upload files on mediafire and don't have to sign up! Anyway Olly, check your mail for the word Saigado in it. Hope you like. :)

14 years ago
13 years ago

thank you Oliver O______O

11 years ago

once again thank you Oliver O______O