Kenzaki San’s Sexual Reasoning [English], by Katsurai Yoshiaki
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Here’s a new nice share, thanks to Raikoh Basically, it’s a young female sister loving sex with her stepbrother, as she’s the intellectual type, the things a bit too much during sex. Good fap’n’go drawings , enjoy ! |
For plenty more, see The list of Katsurai Yoshiaki’s works on Hentairules!
I didn’t tag this share as incest, in my mind stepbrother and blood brother are two different things.
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In fact, OK, my summary was a bit too hasty. There’s a real sexual reasoning, but it leads nowhere.
The heroine is unable to reason between her various sexual fantasms. Love for the stepbrother (does that count as incest ?) and him being her only partner, fantasm of being treated as a lesser being, fantasm of groupsexing her students… Conclusion : she’s happy as she is at the present time, but she can’t help overthinking everything.
Hentai philosophy doesn’t fetch very far, heh ?
While I’m mentioning philosophy, I can’t resist, I MUST quote you a French writer, Catherine Dufour, who wrote this genious definition of philososphy : « Philosophy, it’s like Russia : it’s vast, it’s beautiful, but it’s full of swamps and Germans have invaded it »
Turns out to my level of perversion, stepbrother IS incest. I couldn't enjoy that. I think cousins are as close as i can read. Thanks anyway
Behold Gentlemen, Germans! *BUHAHAHAHAHA*
Thanks Raikoh and Oliver.