Giri-Giri Sisters [English, 227 pictures], by Gunma Kisaragi, has been updated with two uncensored chapters :)
To make a long story short : thanks to Z-Hentai’s great dedication, two Giri Giri Sisters chapters were decensored (1 and 6), and I added them to my Giri Giri Sisters page This manga is PURE GOLD, hitting all my switches, I’ll never recommend it enough to you |
Despite his well-deserved gigantic popularity, Gunma Kisaragi has only had 3 complete mangas published to this day, when you think of it
Besides the two uncensored chapters, I also made little color adjustments to two pictures in the manga, including the cover.
I share the full manga, but also just the two newly uncensored chapters.
Giri Giri Sisters is on THAT page, enjoy the Gunma Goodness !
don't you mean first? and oliver and z-hentai, thank you for this
I think he means that he was waiting for this so long before. Well, thanks for share.
Ahh Giri-Giri Sisters.. its what got me hooked onto hentai forever
Thanks for the decensoring!
Been hoping to get some great uncensored goodness out of this, thanks for the hard work guys!