Erotic Match [English], by Tosh

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 7 comments
Tags: Tsundere
Tosh, the love for hentai =)

Actually, the real title should be Erotical Match, but at first I thought it was Cgrascal screwing up with the title, so I fixed it (if I had known what Cgrascal meant by “Your haid down makes you so cute damnit“, I would have fixed it too…), and on second thought, I saw no valid reason to keep an incorrect Engrish title anyway :lol:

It’s a classical “solving rivalry with lots of sex” story, just enjoy the show, and thanks to Cgrascal ! :)

I also made another fix, I must be getting maniac. Talking about maniac, I observed a 3 centimeters long “bug” in picture 12 (my numbering), will you notice it ? ;)

Fore MORE goodness, Cf. The list of ALL the works by Tosh on Hentairules :)

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(6 MB, 16 pictures, English)

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14 years ago

w00t! Tosh! Love his works, this one doesn't fail to deliver either :D

<save to hard drive>

14 years ago

Ever think of putting up a Redirection page for this artist? In my eyes, this has to be in at least the top ten!!! Other then that thanks for this great share, keep up the great work!

14 years ago

Menkui easily is the top of the h-manga line for me. Another Tosh art piece is a +++

14 years ago

Presumably “haid” is a typo of “hair,” since her hair is up for the first half for normal school and down when she’s trying to seduce him.

14 years ago

nice one….when she let down her hair, she looks so gorgeous…

13 years ago

As a sidenote, Erotic Match is actually correct English. I've actually never heard, nor have seen "Erotical" before…

12 years ago

Something about the closing pledge that they'd continue their "battle" tomorrow, made this flash into my mind:

"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time"
– Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 19 to 21)

Not sure why, though. o.0