Toppatsusei Inkou Shoukougun chapters 1-3 [English, Uncensored version], by Shiomaneki
UPDATE : excellent news, you’re browsing an obsolete page !
I’m now sharing the COMPLETE version of Toppatsusei Inkou Shoukougun !
You can feast on it on THAT page
"The girl looked borderline, but I can’t help it"
could oliver be slowly falling to the charms of the loli kind?
only time will tell
Chp 3 would of been good next month for christmas XD. Other than that was a good share thx.
Nice one…thanks for the share…
that was awesome! thanks heaps
Many thanx Oliver. Great post.
File is password protected… please help
the file name is probably too long, try extacting/moving it to a directory with shorter path. or you could rename them.
i had to move my whole archive because of this.. hope that helps:D
The easiest is to rename the archive to a small name like for instance.
Thanks for replying in my stance, 809
Thank you!
More goodies by Shiomaneki, Thanks Oliver
Maybe a bit late, but dammit Oliver, you rock for commissioning this. Funny, happy, lovely sex and still very hardcore… you don't read a hentai manga like that every day! And it's not just the scenario, the drawings just radiate positive emotions. And the girl's faces… well, those are just to die for. Long story short: awesome share! Thank you.
Thanks Lhytiss, H9E, and Oliver.