Summer Memories [English, Uncensored version], by Tohzai

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 14 comments
Tags: WAFF
Another sex hair case :D

Summer memories : another gem I had forgotten on my hard disk :D

Credits for this nice story are for Desu, H9E and Setebos The Hentai Bringer :)

Graphically, there are really good drawings, fine even in the slightest details (wavy hair locks and wispy curls, eyelashes, varied detailed backgrounds – except on some pictures if you look more carefully XD). Scenario wise, this is a “warm and fuzzy feeling” type of story, about two persons meeting afer many years, and resuming their love relation, in a more adult way. Just a warning, there are two loli pages, gotta bear with it.

–Update: Summer Memories is now part of the With A Married Woman manga…
But there’s a twist…
In the complete With A Married Woman, this is the still censored version. Sorry if that’s confusing, and I’m to blame, I forgot to take the initiative to replace it inside With A Married Woman when I saw it was released with its still censored chapter.

For plenty more, why don’t you see The list of Tohzai’s works on Hentairules :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(12 MB, 39 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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14 years ago

hmm wasent a bad plot or w/e lol forgot the word that was sopost to go where i put plot, but was nice anywho thx for upload.

14 years ago

Nice post really liked the story and the art so thanks a bunch for the share Oliver. Hope to see more from this artist in the future.

14 years ago

Kinda reminds me of Otsuka Kotora. By the way, that dude sure have an old face, his face isn't much different from kid to teen.

14 years ago

Are u sure u didn't post it earlier? I like this story so much, im POSITIVE it's already on my HD and im quite sure the source was your site.

14 years ago

No, the whole story, about od friends… the file is on my HDD since November 2009 but I think I get it at DesuDesu blog. Cuz i keep in all shares downloaded from Your site tat gifs u add.

14 years ago

You were right, i was wrong. Ur shares always have info about ur site. DesuDesu put that share on his site in August 2009 and that is the source. Misunderstanding about the place i downloaded it from is easy to explain – most (like 100% ;) ) of my happy, fappy pieces of manga comes from ur site. Thats why i was sure i got it from Hentairules :)

14 years ago

This one actually gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

14 years ago

hellbert is right, you posted this already a while back

14 years ago

Thanks Desu, H9E, Setebos The Hentai Bringer , and Oliver. Can't wait to read this one.

14 years ago

Is there more of this guy? I love his drawings.