I <3 NY
A short post of greetings to all the new yorkers, good day to you guys, and I wish you a sunny shit-free day !
Why this post ?
–> Google Analytics found wise to inform me that New York was sending me as many visitors per day than the whole England area. Good job !
(Hey, does that mean New York contains more pervs than England as a whole ? Scary ! It might be safer to consider spending your holidays in Utah… )
Update : found them, stats I was searching, taken over a long time span, if you’re curious :
how are dutch members doing atm ? ^^
0.98%, 3 times less than NY
But without us pervs, you wouldn’t have a viable site! How is the Atlanta/Georgia region percentage? Am I the only one?
The site would be here no matter what. There is no demand and supply here. Or am I missing smth?
Well, I could do without New York, but I'm a pure Narcissus deep inside, so the more visitors the better.
As for demand and offer, I'm not sure. I use the bonus money from the ads to commission translations and pay me a restaurant at the end of the month, this also comes as a motivation factor. If I didn't place ads, there's no way I'd spend 90 minutes per day on hentai sharing, I think, it would more likely be a share every two days…
Errr, I don't think Analytics gives such a level of precision. It's already pure hazard that Analytics found interesting, by itself, to make the comparison from which this post originates.
Even to have country stats, I have to chose the countries one by one :-/
I have no idea where Analytics could offer me the same level of detailed stats.
New York is one of the most populous states in the US (3rd I think) and, unlike number 2 Texas, its residents are pretty open minded. I'm surprised California isn't the number one US state, visitation wise.
You are welcome, bro XD
Not sure if there are a lot of perverts in here, but who knows? :p
Congratulation mate! Say hi to the lasses for me!!!
I don't doubt that NY has the most pervs of New England. I've got to admit, living there made for a very informative childhood.
But Florida has got to at least match that. Since moving here I've met nothing but pervs. Feels almost like home
Twilight Zone here, representin'! (Binghamton New York AKA Rod Serling's Hometown)
As a descendant of Olaf The Black and Helen Keller, I hit it up here every night lookin for new digs to read and fully endorse this site!!
While we're at it Oliver why don't you post a geographical chart of pervs of visiting your steamy site, if you don't mind
I don't find where I can ask Google Analytics this level of information, sadly ^^
Well duh. Even Lewis Black said that NY has the most pervy/crazy public. You can just ride a subway and there is gonna be a guy sitting in front of you playing with himself. Just to take the edge off
lol xD
greetings from germany
Queens NYorker here and I can't go a day with out a vist. Glad to know I'm not alone
Well, so I hope to see an HentaiRules fanboy the next time I'll go to visit NY :p
Greetings from Geneva (Switzerland)
OH! I´M THERE! in 12 place ^_^
Long Island New Yorker here honestly i come here few times a day for updates nice to see us at as number one state time time to keep it that way
I'm curious if it just uses a general location.
greetings from the 2nd place pervs
you have even visitors from japan o_O
That's strange, considering I made my best to ban Japan, by IP and by hostname o_O
Is that so Japanese officials don't try to shut you down?
Hentairules is 3 years old and soon 4.
In those 3 years, I've had 3 massive file deletion campaigns (thousands of dead files at once, THOUSANDS), in the name of japanese publishing companies reporting my files to their zip hosts.
I hope they fuck off and leave me – and YOU too – in peace, in short.
Oh, we all do hope so
Go Mets!, Sadly though I'm not in NY atm, though born and raised. I guess I know where my interests came from then.
lol my country's 10th
There's two things we New Yorkers love: pizza and porn!
Germany on 2nd place? Wouldn't have thought there are so many xD
Greetings from Hannover. ;3
God's In His Heaven, All's Right With The World.
greetings from sweden lol
ahahah i guess im one of those many pervs in NY
Philippines top 10! ^^
I always visit this site for new complete manga pack! Nya!
Hey Im Dark and im New I live in newyork and visit this site often. Looking at this post Inspired me to actually sign up and comment with you guys about the Content shown on this site. in my opinion it's the best New york # 1
2nd !!! I knew it xD ! We`re just pervs …
I'm kind of surprised at the per-capita results of Canada which is fourth overall in total visits (it has half the population of France, 40% of Germany's population and just over a tenth of the US).
Warning: Sarcasm Alert!
That's because it's *Canada*. The country is cold, barren, boring, and there is nothing else to do there unless it is hockey season. ;-)
End Sarcasm Alert!