Pack of 6 hentai works by Kurosawa Pict [English, 168 pictures]
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I repacked everything I could find by the artist Kurosawa Pict, I hope you’ll find it to your taste
By the same artist, I’m also sharing Angel Breath and the excellent Pool Daisakusen
Despite hardcore drawings, the artist makes a great effort with the women’s faces, giving his works an undeniable “cute” feeling. As long as you can tolerate black bars and the lack of a scenario, it’s quite nice materials
The 6 works arre : Himeji-san To Test Benkyou volumes 1 & 2, K-ON No Tokkun (my favorite in the pack), Kyonko Datte Yuuutsu, Mikuru Miracle and Seima Kyuuin (a 3x3eyes doujin, the only one I didn’t like, the only one with rape – with tentacles to make it worse).
(More illustration pictures follow, scroll down !)
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(61 MB, 168 pictures, English)
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Many thanx Oliver.
I couldn't get how nice those things were… the excessive (and too efficient) censoring got to my ability to appreciate them…. of course, the limited scenario and targeted use of the existing characters didn't help… but I can stomach lack of scenario, and using names and depictions of established characters rather than actually working around the characters themselves… but that censorship made the difference between palatable doujin and stuff I wiped off my disk in a hurry.
I'd like to try it again if anybody uncensors them someday
(sheech, I totally suck at that kind of thing)
Never thought of ass-fucking as a confirmation of love, but the author has an interesting hypothesis. That’s what science is missing a really convincing hentai artist.
Thanks for the upload.
you are right..would be brilliant but the over censoring kills it!