Hey, thank you guys !

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 52 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

Thank you guys for all the comments after yesterday’s announcement ! They were kind, I’m moved :)

I’ll allow myself some replies or remarks.

First. WHY would the kid take over Hentairules at some point ? Hey, it’s not as if I were going to die and someone else would be forced to resume things. Besides, with two older ones at home, the latest offspring wouldn’t be the one who would take over !
Second. Why is there a problem with posting a baby pic, as a few people seemed to believe ? It’s fully clothed, there’s no identifying means possible (and have you seen babies grow ? In one month, he’ll be unrecognizable with that photo). And besides, it’s MY website, be it for adults or not. (And the picture wasn’t posted here first :D )
Just like a visitor, Jankull, observed, it’s the “human hentai” idea : hey, we love hentai, but we’ve got daily lives, it’s not as if this section of our life had to be isolated in a ghetto and kept as something utterly shameful. I love hentai and I share it, but I also use my blog as a place to speak of likes and dislikes, and of great personal news too… this should be normal, not seen as a surprise or a forbidden thing. I don’t think many people are mixing real life and hentai as I do, but that doesn’t mean there’s an iron wall obligated to separate these two sides of a same coin, of our lives.
Third. I’m regularly asked about my wife and my family/firends, if they know about my hentai website. For the closest ones, reply is : yes. My wife knows and approves (blogging hentai stuff makes me feel good and allows me to bear with “real life” frustrations and annoyment, it works better and is cheaper than a shrink, plus, we both respect our mutual personal private spaces and time), and a few close friends are on in the secret and they have the same position on this matter (they may be influenced by the occasions when I paid them beer, though.)

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13 years ago

But do your children know?

13 years ago

Give them about 5-7 years and they'll start asking.

13 years ago
Reply to  SpacesuitKitty

Kitty, you're just one endless pit of lulz.

13 years ago
Reply to  SpacesuitKitty

I imagine the kids as 14-year-olds, having the largest stash of hentai in the world for free… Oliver, you need to make them earn your hentai, or they'll be too spoiled :D

13 years ago
Reply to  SpacesuitKitty

Give them 5.7 years and they'll find out on their own XD

13 years ago

I'd like to do a special commission for Daniel's birth.

You can choose a oneshot (max 20-25 pages, please T___T), choose the translator, and i'll pay for it. If someone wants to contribute, we can commission a whole book.

Tell me what do u think.

13 years ago
Reply to  3333h

I say we do a whole book….

13 years ago
Reply to  willy191

and after he's old enough you can tell him…"son, this is the book they dedicated for your birth…" lol (sorry if it was inappropriate)…

If anyone agrees to do the book please contact me….

13 years ago
Reply to  willy191

Oh well, for me it's ok to commission a single chapter of max 25 pages. If you can find other commissioner, we can choose a tank that Oliver want. Keep doing it, pal.

13 years ago
Reply to  3333h

I dunno about other commissioner cause I don't really know them….

Dark Ren
Dark Ren
13 years ago
Reply to  3333h

How about the fourth tankoubon of gunma if it is released?

13 years ago

I fully agree to you Oliver. It`s great that you share your opinions and great news like these. This supports the tonality of the site, as not just another porn site. In fact maturity does not only lies in the pictures but also in the behaviour. Of the one who does all this and of the community who consume it. If I summerize everything here, I come to the conclusion that this place here is way more mature as other sites.

13 years ago

I actually like how this place is a "human hentai".

13 years ago

2 thump for you ! you said right !!

13 years ago

You give me hope/fear that perverts breed.

13 years ago

I like hentai personally for its art, cause you gotta admit, some works are REALLY good. IMO Fate erogame artwork > Fate anime. Ofc we jerk off at it, but that doesn't mean it's just fap material :D

13 years ago

basterd, gimme a beer 2 D:

13 years ago

Its your comment that make this site excellent.

Donc ne change rien.

13 years ago

only morons would complain about what oliver posts.
To those who don't understand this. This is Oliver's site and the fact that he's providing these things for free without asking for anything in return, idiots like these should definitely shut their traps and, pardon my language, get the fuck out.
Oliver has every right to post pictures of his kids. If you got issues with it, then make like a tree and leave.

to Oliver, Congratulations again and know that you have no need to justify anything you post here at your site. Your contributions to us freeloaders are always amazing. So yeah, whiners can stfu and gtfo and again, congratulations Oliver!

13 years ago

I'm glad to hear that the family is well and my belated congrats. ^^ And don't worry I had just explained to a friend of mine on the topic of Hentai. "It's one big community. We have lives and mutually respect that. Although it may be (Porn) I'm happy to say we all enjoy our real lives." I showed him this blog and explained you have a family and inform us on their well being. I enjoy that. =D Fap or not It's good to have friends in real life and online.

13 years ago

Content que tu partages mon avis sur ce blog. ;)

And you're damn right to do what you want, this is the key of your actual success.
Never change a perfect recipe…it might goes bad. :p

13 years ago

I still think this baby will take over HentaiRules. It's in his blood.

13 years ago

loll it's in his blood for sure but i think he won't take over hentairules he will do a new one and better one hahahah, but really man good job for your joint work ( you and your women), the results is splendid hahaha

13 years ago

Your wife is Awesome!!!!!

13 years ago

lmao, your wife + friends are epic xD

But yea, what idiot tries to tell someone what they should and shouldn't post on a BLOG? Lmfao, you're the one who allows us our little jollies, you should write about your woes + joys more often! I also find it stupid people complain that you take a day from posting cuz of a great life matter (Grats on your third btw :D). This isn't some obligation to you. You do it cuz you want, and we all follow and get giddy over it!

As a side note, can you re upload your chiba toshirou stuff? image gallery is dead and links didn't work for me ;_;

13 years ago


thats the one im talkin bout btw :P

13 years ago

Congrats and im surprisedjust how open you are with this site gj

13 years ago

You pay your friends with beer?… thats how i pay my friends too!

13 years ago

lol its great to see that people can still like you even tho you have this blog and i didnt say it on your other post but gratz i hope nothing bad happens :p

13 years ago

How can anyone be angry after seeing such a cutey-pie??? I guess some anti-social emotionless turd doesn't know what to cheerish these days… the humanity!!!

13 years ago

One day, Son, aaallllll this will be yours :)

13 years ago

I think most of the people who posted about the baby picture were speaking more out of irony than out of wishes that you would remove the picture. At least that was what I imagined they meant when I read some of the comments.
Also, that post really showed the sheer number of people who view this site, though normally do not post.
Finally, as either the one or one of the people who commented on your wife's knowledge of hentairules, I apologized if I caused offense by my question. I had never seen you mention anything on the topic (though I realize you did not have to), so I decided to let my curiosity get the better of me.
Anyways, congratulations again (and thanks for the resumed updates).

13 years ago

Hey man do what you do because you do it good.

13 years ago

Man, some people can give a guy crap, in my oppinion, life is wonderfull, and if you can share a new life with people then it makes it just that much more special, don't give a crap abou those complainers.

If there is some thing that I would like to know, is that do you maintain this webpage all by yourself ?

13 years ago
Reply to  Ayanami251379

people made a roll of toilet papers with Chuck Norris's face on it: But it won't take sh*t from anybody.

13 years ago
Reply to  anonymous

Alex Mercer will give Chuck 'n run for his money.

13 years ago

We all have lives and I'm honestly surprised with how open Oliver is to us with his family stuff. I;m humbled by it. And again, congrats.

Rock on!


13 years ago

My son's middle name is also Daniel
well congrats again

13 years ago

I don't care what others say Oliver! I thinks baby pictures are just alright! and those that say otherwise can keep it to themselves!
Many thanks, and keep up the good work!

13 years ago

Love this blog for the laughs i get from your posts descriptions, Oliver. Of course i like hentai for a lot of reasons, but if it were only for hentai, then i wouldn't even bother to write a comment .. just "enable bot mode : download hentai, unzip archive, unzip pants, fap, run to toilet, grand finale (hehehe), zip pants, start again". hehehe

Oliver, i wish to you and to your family only the best.

Keep up the good work :D

P.S.: Don't worry if not all the people "like you" … you don't like them all either ;)

13 years ago

Well personally i like this site simply because it actually has an opinion of the doujin your going to download. i had ever despaired of anyone else liking the lovey dovey side of hentai until i found this site, which is why i am eternally grateful to Oliver

keep up the good work and congrats from across the pond :)

13 years ago

Keep up human side of hetai alive. There are much more of those who suppoerts u than u think :)

13 years ago

you very right, i never had the courage to let other know

13 years ago

Ive we were all open minded as Oliver his family and friends this World would be a better place. Its nothing wrong speak up youre mind and share youre thoughts… but sadly a lot of people dont think that way… and my god ok its an adult Site but having a Family is an adult thing and Oliver shows that not all Hentai Lovers are completely pervs ^^. It just shows how Human Oliver is. Some people just dont like to look into the mirror … dont mix Porn with Real live … like Oliver said (not in that way but ok…)

Keep it up Oliver

13 years ago

Wow, first time commenting, and i love this site….been coming back a lot cuz the site n cummity is so great. Oliver has been the best admin to a hentai ever(i havent visted another site sence discovering this one). He's a real human just like all of us. Their shouldnt be any hate towards him posting a baby picture on his site. he's a proud father shouldnt he be able to show that he cares about him/them.

13 years ago

This is the best thing about this site. Unlike most other sites (whom I still appreciate), Oliver keeps a tone of cheerfulness, fun, and openness. It's not so much a "secret indulgence" here, nor is it an angry "Yeah I like Hentai deal with it or GTFO" sort of thing. The whole tone makes this site the most comfortable source of hentail on the net, methinks.

13 years ago

Take your time updating your website, no rush, because I need to catch up on opening the files I've downloaded for the past years… not to mention sort them in order. I'm sure I'm not the only one. and again, congrats.

13 years ago

hey oliver, mah bro, im with you, just tell me if yah wanna bust sumbudy's ass, be more than happy to do it for yah…. ;-D NICE one!!! good-lookin baby! ;-D

13 years ago

Congratz again ^^
Love your site and will continue to visit.
It's your comments and "human" side to it that seperates this site from any other, keep it up! ^^

13 years ago

Congrats for your baby, I hope he will grow healthy ;-)

13 years ago

Congratz on the baby may all his hopes and dreams come true.