Uncensored version of Tsun Devil [English], by Hisashi (or Hisasi)
Update : good news ! This post is now obsolete ! The present story now belongs to Cute Devil Girlfriend, available HERE |
Update : good news ! This post is now obsolete ! The present story now belongs to Cute Devil Girlfriend, available HERE |
lol….people focus on the tail too much….it was very cute though….
400 bad request on the df link.
hmm… not quite… perhaps thats how demons "breast" feed?
Very cute Oliver, good post.
By the way, speaking of demons and ghosts and the supernatural, did you know there is an OVA of "Alignment You You" available? It is censored :(, but has English and Russian subtitles and the artwork and animation are really good, as is the subtitling (good colloquial English anyway)
cumin' from the tip of her tail was a first, after i've seen it from Viper RTS.
Is Hotfile being a bunch of p***ks? every link I have hit for them in the past two weeks has a 'file has been removed' on it
Yeah, they banned me and killed ALL the links -_-
Either me or Oliver will replace the dead hotfile links soon. It will most likely be me. lol
nice one Oliver ^^
wupload = file does not exist