Pack of 2 doujinshi works by Studio Huan [English, 86 pictures]: One is a Evangelion doujinshi and the other is a Nanoha doujinshi
Here comes:
– Ayanami Zecchou
– Nyuu NanoFate 1-2 Full Color Soushuuhen
After a Rei doujinshi showing her with another personality, let’s make it again ? This time it’s Ayanami Zecchou, featuring Rei as a slightly plump teen (not yet Mogudan style, don’t worry) having great sex, giving up on being an Eva pilot in order to have more sex. Ya, rly.
The second Studio Huan doujinshi is a full-color Nanoha doujinshi, not featuring the heroines in their loli form, but making them adult, with hips, tits and butts, and believe me, their tits, hips and butts are put to great, GREAT use !
By the same artist, I also share New NanoFei School 3 – 4 All Full Color Soushuuhen, Raidon Shougyoushi Full Color Soushuuhen, New Nanofei School 1-2 All Full Color Soushuuhen Shinsouban, New NanoFei School 5, New Nanofei School 6, Batsugunda volumes 1-2, New Nanoha-san + Shamal-san Fullcolor Hen, New MahoDom, Batsugun Da! Full Color Soushuuhen, New MadoHom Full Color Soushuuhen and Beni Kan.
Note: There seems to be a problem with this archive, for some reason the only program able to extract it is WinRAR. If you use anything else, it will NOT work.
It might also work if you rename the .ZIP to .RAR.
You wouldn’t know who should be thanked and credited for these two doujinshi, would you ? If it’s written somewhere, I missed the info…
Note: There seems to be a problem with this archive, for some reason the only program able to extract it is WinRAR. If you use anything else, it will NOT work.
It might also work if you rename the .ZIP to .RAR.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(43 MB, 86 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3 – or – Zip Mirror #4
Note: There seems to be a problem with this archive, for some reason the only program able to extract it is WinRAR. If you use anything else, it will NOT work.
It might also work if you rename the .ZIP to .RAR.
Many thanx Oliver.
hi just a shout out can somebody fix this one because i've personally tried all thre download links and every time i go to open it it says it is invalid can somebody please fix this problem thanks
more details please, what do you mean, invalid ?
Corrupt archives probably.
well, all I can tell is that it was working for me when I made the test.
Same. No errors on my end.
"Cannot open file:it does not appear to be a valid archive."
That's what I get from all three links you have after I download the file and try to unzip it.
I couldn't get winzip to work but Winrar did.
I'm having the same problem.
Working now.
Cannot open, says it's invalid
It says that there are no files to extract.
Same problem initially (with two separate downloads). But was able to open though WinRAR.
Thanks for the tip, WinRAR did the trick!
The problem is someone encoded the file as a RAR but saved it as a ZIP. I renamed the file .RAR in Linux and it extracted with Archive Manager.
Thanks for the upload.
You may want to associate the zip and rar extensions to a wine'ed Winrar, I remember doing that in 2004, and it worked.
Great share! ^^