History’s Strongest Disciple hentai doujin [English] : Leopard Book 10, by Dorepooru
Until the day Gunma Kisaragi or Yamatogawa decide to make an HSDK hentai doujin, we’ll have to deal with “tolerable” Kenichi doujinshi, like the current one This time, Shigure, the sword mastress, allows her disciple a sort of well deserved break; At least, the character personalities were respected, it wasn’t too bad, so thank you, Wrathkal and Harmonian ! |
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(29 MB, 31 pictures, English)
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what be your issue mate? The drawings are godly >:3
Is depositfiles down? I'm getting 400 Bad Request message
Temporary server bugs happen to everyone from times to times, if DF is down, no biggie, use the mirrors
No it isn't a big deal, it just takes longer to download then free
I prefer using the depositfiles because I can usually get 4-5 at a time if I'm quick enough B)
Plus, it also helps you out if I am correct.
This is a AWESOME doujin, please post more from this artist, please!!!
wooo Shigure is one of my fav…..um….Character
*zombiemode on* Need.. more.. HSDK hentai..