Une Veuve De La Maison (“Meijokukan no Miboujin”) chapters 1-4 [English], by Jamming

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 10 comments
It's strange, usually I'd hate a scenario like that, and today, not... why ? o_O

Before you ask : the title is in French, and it means, litteraly “A widow of the house” (the bad grammar has also been translated). This is a sort of hentai reprise of Maison Ikkoku, without Rumiko Takahashi’s talent for a scenario, but thanks heavens, also without Rumiko Takahashi’s terribly poor drawing style !

Graphically, this is by Jamming : a hot MILF with a slightly chubby body and big tits, having tons of sex, with male partners blessed with forearm-long penises.

Scenario-wise, Jamming toys with mindbreak but avoids the trap : his heroine isn’t broken, she loved powerful sexual stimulation from the start, the manga is more the story of her awakening to herself, without seeing it as a degradation at all. I can’t say I adored it, but, well, I couldn’t hate it either.

Thanks for Desu for this release :) It was released all at once, would you know if there is a continuation in waiting somewhere ?

For MORE, cf. The list of ALL Jamming’s Works on Hentairules :)

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Actually, there is ONE thing that pissed me off in this manga : the male main character has ugly frizzy hair, is it a “badass manly motherfucker fashion”, or have I been hidden that some Japanese really have hair like that  :wtf:

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14 years ago

Kinda forgot somthing in your description didnt ya??

14 years ago

Ah, this Is not the WHOLE thing…nevermind….you shall see.

14 years ago

Chapter 1-4?

14 years ago

Wow, dissing Takahashi's artstyle Oliver? Really?

14 years ago

Actually, the title SHOULD be translated as "The Widow From The House".
Easy mistake to make.

14 years ago

I actually like Rumiko Takahashi's style…except for the fact that all her heroes, heroines, etc look exactly the same (the voice actors are the same too…)

14 years ago

Andate, that could be said for almost every anime and manga. That statement is too broad and vague.

That's funny, I thought that I commented on this post, specifically on Oliver's assesment on Takahashi's artwork, but whatever. Anyway, the art is good coming from Jamming but as always, I don't like the themes that he employs .