O Holy Night [English, Full Color], by Nishieda
Look, I know, I’m a bit late sharing that one, Christmas was 3 days ago. I know. But unless you can offer me 4 additional hours per day for everything I need/want to do, I couldn’t share it before, period |
So. With my dear thanks to Gurumao, from Team Vanilla, here’s a short and pleasant full-color Christmas-based hentai scene, both very funny (Female Santa, with a twist in the end !), and nicely arousing
By the same artist, I also share nths ago, Dendrobium, an EXCEPTIONAL artbook, and a pack of 5 nice full-color works !
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(6 MB, 7 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
short but nice
Very Nice… But, im dont catch the ending: Was true or not.
Niiiiice. Great art !
*start-raving* Holy sh*t, maybe i'm stupid for pointing this but… the file size is 6.66 mB O.o is it some sign ?… *stops-raving*
Yeah i now, i shouldn't drink so much just because it's nearly the new year ^^
Holy Night indeed
Lol sad guy, too bad it didn't last…Who's that kid in the credits page?