Hard-X [English, 205 pictures], by Ueno Naoya

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 1 comment
Uenoa Naoya-san, please, take a lesson, the day you draw human penises you'll be top notch !!

With Hard-X, this will be the FOURTH manga commissioned by SL-Gundam, look, at a price probably between 1.5 and 3$ per page, would YOU commission that much to share it with everyone ?
Thank you VERY MUCH, SL-Gundam, I’m grateful :)

In short, Hard-X shows pure happy and pretty hardcore sex, with sweet drawings :3

Each chapter is a new scenario, sometimes plain, sometimes nicely imagined and adding value added. The drawings are very nice too, with sweet teenage or young adult women. The sex is hardcore (lots of anal and DPs, orgies), but purely happy, even occasionally with love.

For MORE Ueno Naoya hentai, Cf. the list of his works on Hentairules :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(70 MB, 205 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

There’s just ONE thing that was so-so, the penises, Ueno Naoya has trouble drawings them correctly :lol:

Once again, I renew my thanks to SL-Gundam, if you too, dear visitor, you’re grateful to him, you can express it in a comment, it’s not forbidden you know ;)

This year, he commissioned Squall, Hard-X, Hard-S and Junk-S. And last year, it was : The Prized Masochist, Sexualism and Honey Room.

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13 years ago

awesome stuff Oliver :P