Toppatsusei Inkou Shoukougun chapters 1-6 [English, Uncensored version, 110 pictures], by Shiomaneki
UPDATE : excellent news, you’re browsing an obsolete page !
I’m now sharing the COMPLETE version of Toppatsusei Inkou Shoukougun !
You can feast on it on THAT page
I confess : one of the 5-stars ratings was mine
Stupid lame credit pictures? Dude! You can put a humongous stamp on every last page of this manga and I'd still love you for commissioning this awesome manga. <3
"Love you" in a completely heterosexual thank-you-for-commissioning-and-sharing-it-kinda-way of course.
You, Oliver, are too hard on yourself… that credits page was pretty funny… and as you point out, it WAS your money that brought us this great post. A really super story. Thank you!
I have a Question: What's was the last Uncensored Hentai Video released, currently.
As an hentai expert, u might help me find a rare hentai I haven't seen for years.
It's called just "M" and it has a lot of love story before getting to it and it doesn't even goes all the way through. It's an older guy in love with a younger girl and both their names start with "M", and he's giving her an watch to get laid, then she invites him to her house and he goes crazy and tries to rape her, but he can't… well… I think that's enough for you to identify it if you know
It's by Katsura, right ? The author of I''s and Video Girl Ai ?
thanks for share,but can i ask you?
are you update this manga once a month?
ho ho thanks Oliver for share.
Since you are spending your money to give us hentai for *free*, I can't complain about a thing.
Many thanks Lhytiss and Oliver.
Small error; it does say “Toppatsusei Inkou Shoukougun chapters 1-5” rather than “Toppatsusei Inkou Shoukougun chapters 1-6” on the second link. Download is fine. Doubt it will bother anyone
Haha, my bad, unfixed copy-and-paste
Thanks for the report, Zen69 ^^
Awesome. Many thanx Oliver.
Good, another piece of funny work!
[think I can only reply with an intensedebate account]
wow! That's the guy! No surprise I liked "M" so much, the katsura masakazu is a genius
thank u so much!
Great ,im have been searching for this uncensored version for a long time . While searching I found a website call . They got a lot of hentai book of all kind . I think it gonna be great if you add the to your Link trade list .
Is anyone else experiencing a password protected zip file, for the chapters 1-6 download link?
Too long zip name inside a folder too deep into the arborescence. Rename your archive to a smaller name or extract it closer to disk's root.