Bousou Shoujo [English, 216 pictures, Complete], by Torikawa Sora

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 23 comments
Tags: comedy, Ecchi
ROFL, this manga was HILARIOUS !

At first, I wanted to say that Bousou Shoujo might be the most FUCKING HILARIOUS hentai manga of 2011, but, hey, we’re just the 13th of January, there isn’t much competition for the moment :lol:

In short : this is an ecchi HILARIOUS manga, with sexy drawings, and tons of laughing moments :)

The heroine of Bousou Shoujo is so desperate for sex (even though she doesn’t realize it consciously, of course) that she misunderstands absolutely everything, certain that the male hero is out to rape her.
So, she sticks to that boy, indulges in quasi-sex with him to let out his imaginary rapist urges and save her vagina (for fear of a catastrophe, something that incidentally solves the mystery of the abundance of dickgirls in the hentai world). She makes every possible most absurd choice in order to defend her purity, and it’s hilarious :)

The artist, Torikawa Sora, is more widely known as Enonomo Heights, and, under that other name, she has released a splendid hardcore (this time) and uncensored marvel, Yanagida-Kun To Mizuno-San Volume 1 , and Yanagida-Kin To Mizuno-San volume 2 :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(67 MB, 216 pictures, English)

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14 years ago

This seems like fun, but i wont read it cause it got 9 volumes ongoing, its like i will finish reading the whole story in like 10 years in the most happy case…

Normal Guy
Normal Guy
14 years ago
Reply to  jade_kuro

well that is why there are futanari girls…sex before 20…..KEEP HAVING SEX HIGH SCHOOLERS!!!
but yeah 9 volumes…damn…thats quite a bit homeboy…but i understand how you feel (you want to wait cause you know they exsist) i am the kind person who is like that too. but in this case i read this anyway because its up here complete and he hasnt put any other volume up here yet. its like brandish (a favorite of mine) that manga 3 so far and i read 2 and i am fighting the urges to read the 3rd. just pick it up and read it…trust me when the next one comes you will remember this one.

14 years ago
Reply to  Normal Guy

I think i will wait for more to show and then pick it, just like i did with Nana to Kaoru witch i thought it was boring but after i read it i was like OMG, best thing ever! Anyway, thank you for the advice, i will keep that in mind!

14 years ago

Hm, I wanted to say a work by Enonomo Heights (didn't know she was female btw :o) is always good, but since I read just one work by her, a statement like that wouldn't carry much weight either. :p

Your description certainly made me curious though, even more than I would've been, seeing who's drawn it. Thanks for sharing it.

14 years ago

At first, I thought she needed her hearing checked… then maybe her brain checked… but now? Hell with it, if there were more like her around, the world would be a much more interesting place… Oh, and thanks Oliver, for another entertaining post..

14 years ago

Thanks for the share Oliver, but just a question, is it liike Jade says and there are 9 volumes of this? If tha't the case, the more the reason to learn japanese I think.

14 years ago

My dear Oliver, at last we have a reasonable explanation of "The Rise of The Dickgirls" in the Hentai world: Sex before 20 (yeah, right…):S But, anyway, it's not like there is a reasonable explanation at all, don't you agree? I mean, we have dickgirls in hentai for almost 10, 15, 20 years? so far? (it could be less) And no one has bother in tell us why we have dickgirls around. I could go on, but I think I made my point so, I want to thank you for this piece of hilarious, brainless, humorous sex story.

P.S.: If someone has a diferent theory of "The Rise of The Dickgirls", fell free to express it. B)

14 years ago

I have to say I love these borderline manga/hentai books. I mean they dance that fine line between the two. It’s always funny and very cool. I mean look at My Balls. (LOL. No I didn’t do that on purpose, but I’m not going to edit it.)

14 years ago

god this manga always makes me laugh XD thanks for shares.

14 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.

14 years ago

i can't stop laughing

14 years ago

Looks like a human Yuria, a bit opposite though lol

A more accurate translation in page 44 however would be Special Air Service, considering it's the SAS that has that motto and no "Special Air Force" exists lol

14 years ago

I use to think that Ai was an airhead, but this Makino chick definitely takes the cake. Thanks for the share Oliver.

14 years ago

Oh my god. Oliver this is genius. I've never laughed so hard reading doujins before. Definitely a 2011 nominee for best comedic hentai.

14 years ago
Reply to  Incroflux

^ That. Simply hilarious.

14 years ago

funny dope no doubt

13 years ago

Does any body know if the misunderstanding clears and if it does what volume ?

13 years ago

Awesome Stuff Oliver :P

13 years ago

Well, I won't call this a masterpiece and for sure some scenes are really bent to keep the pattern of this stereotype going 200+ pages. I'm afraid that i don't belive this will be solved in another vol. because then almost nothing of the story will be left…
The dialogues/thoughts are very good translated (to keep the missunderstandings and so the only source of humor) . Although there is not much more than make some fun over an outcast. After a few chapters that sucks already! Then the Karaoke Story brings up a new!
The drawings are not very spicy and far too boring to need censorship!
But as i found out that this is a fem drawer i can understand – that kind of humor – better, almost.
So, keeping that in mind, the story is unique and intresting enough to keep. TY oliver for sharing it!

13 years ago

As I thought…
had a peek in vol 8 and it goes on forever like that (why i ever stumbled on this..)
@ for masochists (Im out for this artissee)
sorry playin with just one story-pattern is really poor/boring – maybe the other works are different/be'er!

12 years ago

Problem I have with ecchi, is that it feels like one big long annoying tease. And here in the U.S. that's pretty much all our broadcast TV shows. Who's the Asian girl in the pics they keep showing?

Anyhow looking at the comments I'll check it out, thanks for the upload.