Pack of a Hentai Flash Animation + a hentai doujin (Oshaburi Palace – Blowjob Palace, English), by Frapper Spirits
This doesn’t look like to be very fresh stuff (the Japanese raw was released during my first hentai days, the English translation, from Saha, I do not know), but I just found it nonetheless Frapper Spirits is a “pure oral action without scenario” artist, and this time, we see, basically, the Capcom Vs SNK heroines doing oral : Morrigan, Chun-Li, Mai Shiranui, Cammy, Athena… |
My share contains two elements : a Flash Hentai Movie (the heroines, in color, in motion), and a hentai doujin (the heroines, in grayscale, in English).
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(127 MB, 1 Flash Animation + 38 high res pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
It was done in 2007. One of the first few pages has Sayo's watermark with the date he translated it for Full Moon Hentai.
As for the share itself, I will be the first to say that blowjobs are awesome, but having a story with *nothing* but blowjobs can be a bit boring. The flash animation helped to make this worthwhile. Thanks Oliver for sharing this.
Has been a while since a flash post.