Pack of a Hentai Flash Animation + a hentai doujin (Oshaburi Palace – Blowjob Palace, English), by Frapper Spirits

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 2 comments
Haa, Morrigan !

This doesn’t look like to be very fresh stuff (the Japanese raw was released during my first hentai days, the English translation, from Saha, I do not know), but I just found it nonetheless ;)

Frapper Spirits is a “pure oral action without scenario” artist, and this time, we see, basically, the Capcom Vs SNK heroines doing oral : Morrigan, Chun-Li, Mai Shiranui, Cammy, Athena…

My share contains two elements : a Flash Hentai Movie (the heroines, in color, in motion), and a hentai doujin (the heroines, in grayscale, in English).

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(127 MB, 1 Flash Animation + 38 high res pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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13 years ago

It was done in 2007. One of the first few pages has Sayo's watermark with the date he translated it for Full Moon Hentai.

As for the share itself, I will be the first to say that blowjobs are awesome, but having a story with *nothing* but blowjobs can be a bit boring. The flash animation helped to make this worthwhile. Thanks Oliver for sharing this.

13 years ago

Has been a while since a flash post.