To Love Ru (Darkness ?) hentai doujinshi [English] : Bathroom With Momo, by Tora Machine
The present share is a To Love Ru (most probably a To Love Ru Darkness – the continuation going much farther into hentai-ness) doujinshi featuring Momo, the most open and sincere To Love Ru character, the only girl openly lusting after the male hero and planning to set up a large female harem for him.
There’s not much more to add, nanobikini sex, naked sex, and a male hero with unlimited ammo. See for yourselves if the drawings are to your taste, me, I liked them
And let’s hope, some day, the artist behind To Love Ru will AT LAST make something openly hentai, with actual penetrations, THAT will make my day
By the same artist, I also share Mezase Rakuen Keikaku 1, Mezase! Rakuen Keikaku vol. 5, Colorful Lala, Trouble Teachers, Trouble Teachers Volume 5, Trans H, Kindan No Mikan vol 2 and That’s Not The Level Of Indecency.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(17 MB, 34 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Credits go to CGRascal of One of a Kind Productions
It’ll be an interesting day indeed if Kentaro Yabuki draws TLR hentai. I mean TLR Darkness is bordering it.