Just a clarification, to end some discussions

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 86 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

This topic comes back regularly, it’s pissing me off to waste ten minutes searching once again for the data, so I make a final clarification, OK ? ;)

The ever-returning question : is Japan really a rape-free country, and are the USA really #1 for rapes or is it just an illusion due to the difference in total population figures ?

Have some official stats, dated 1991 sadly (fresher would be welcome, but global trends don’t change overnight) :

Rape (per 100,000 people):
United States   37.20
Sweden          15.70
Denmark         11.23
Germany          8.60
Norway           7.87
United Kingdom   7.26
Finland          7.20
Japan            1.40

Conclusion : you’re a girl going to America ? ENJOY YOUR RAPE ! (and buy a kevlar suit)

Good night everyone, I’m off ;)

Update : read the comments there’s more up-to-date links.
And I posted a clarification about the clarification :roll:

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Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago

Anyone can troll.

But professionals do it better ;)

13 years ago

Japanese girls don't report rape. I learned that in the mangas.

weeaboo prime
weeaboo prime
13 years ago
Reply to  sky

Sadly, this is a genuine culture-ingrained trait, and probably causes a major bias – but probably not enough to catch up to many other countries, seeing as a LOT of people who'd turn into rapists in occidental cultures commit suicide or become shut-ins instead.

Go go brainwash country !

13 years ago

O'er the land of the freaks and the home of the rape!

13 years ago

in u.s some of the people using so called "rape" to get money via lawyer meanwhile in japan some of them like to be raped.(different country different fetish)
Well just my own opinion base on my own 10 Minutes research.

13 years ago
Reply to  BoxerCrew

You can't LIKE rape… :S 'Rape' is defined as 'without consent'. The moment you like it and go in search of it it's no longer classified as 'Rape'. Next time include http://www.dictionary.com in your 10 minutes search.

13 years ago
Reply to  Dagashi84

Well – you can have a fetish involving a rape-type-theme …maybe thats better.
Anyway – I don't think, that only japanese have "Rape-fetishes"…Any other Country has them as well.

13 years ago
Reply to  Reideen

Lol! I agree, the rape-type-theme is something I'm sure many people indulge in. (Myself and my girlfriend included btw… XP ) But 'rape-type-theme' isn't 'rape' now is it? :) For one you can't go to the police with it. And it certainly won't be put under any 'Rape statistics'. At least I hope not or else I'm in trouble…. possibly my girlfriend as well…. :S

13 years ago
Reply to  Dagashi84

well mister "Dictionary" guy.. its true 'Rape' cannot be classified as you said 'without consent' but this is hentai blog not everyone can understand/using in english instantly..so that's why i included 'fetish' to clear someone like you. you want a resource?here one of them http://web.archive.org/web/20080303044145/backiss… i said it's 10 minute..i got from Wikipedia..scroll down and you can see the all resource…

13 years ago
Reply to  BoxerCrew

Yes Boxer, I know what you intended to do, we all did. My point is that RAPE THEME FETISH is NOT RAPE, won't be reported, won't be included in an official census and DOES NOT contribute to the amount of rape going on in a country.

Btw, your resource link leads to nothing.

13 years ago


data from 1998-2000 (whatever rape is)

13 years ago
Reply to  peterII
13 years ago

last i saw (about 2 months ago) canada had usa beat by about 10 extra rapes

13 years ago
Reply to  cobaltex

Canada + Rape = Does not compute due harsh weather condition. =D Just my opinion lol

13 years ago

Hmmm…not pole you want to be proud of your rankings in, regardless of your place. I fear it goes unreported in many places, either because of fear or because of cultural issues. There are definately some room for improvements in many "1st World" countries…

13 years ago

Lol, now it shows 7 other posts that weren’t there when I opened the page 2 minutes ago.

13 years ago

I've always heard that South Africa had the most rapes. That's why it's sometimes called "the rape capital of the world".

13 years ago
Reply to  anonymous

To clarify your post, Africa is pretty much the AIDs capital of the world correct? As it turns out a great many African witch doctors have the general populace believing that if you have sex with a virgin you'll be cured of AIDs.
Horrible but true.

13 years ago
Reply to  anonymous

The continent of Africa in general. It's one of the reasons why the continent is a HIV hotspot. It's just that with the infrastructure available to them, census data such as the one Oliver posted is near impossible to get.

13 years ago

and here i thought japan was the Land of the Raping Sons.

13 years ago

Being both an american and a relative to a 35 year police veteran I've come to learn something very important about america's justice system.
Unlike every other country in the world our laws protect the criminals but not those who enforce them…
But hey I have recently scene light in the darkness: http://blogs.citypages.com/blotter/2011/02/rep_gl

13 years ago

And yet , to my knowledge, only Japan has a major sexual molestation problem on its mass transit system (the infamous 'chikan'), to the extent the Japanese ran female-only passenger trains at least once.

And other cultural differances, one of the largest being a rape victim in Japan is held to be the one at fault (the old 'you asked for it' attitude is alive and well in Nippon).

Very, very few rapes get reported in Japan, much less investigated. It doesn't mean they don't happen.

13 years ago
Reply to  Mike

This is very true and unfortunate especially amongst Asian communities. It's getting a lot better but a lot of families still treat daughters and relatives who have become rape victims as disgraces.

13 years ago

Ha, considering Japan's piss poor justice system, sweeping under the rug and beating confessions out of "criminals", hence 90%+ conviction rate can we really trust these stats?

Oh yeah and Yemen is really low, but then they marry their daughters off at age 10-12 and in US we consider that pedophilia

And don't get started on countries like Russia and Ukraine where upon report of a rape you have a decent chance of getting raped by cops, because "the damage is done already anyway" and where anyone can buy themselves out of trouble…

So yeah – go on and trust statistics of countries' comparison :)

13 years ago
Reply to  Shalva_sf

In defense of Japan, their justice system isn't actually poor… It's corrupted in certain sectors and wrong sometimes no doubt, but it actually works wonders on the streets. Facts include the Japanese spending FAR LESS than the United States on police, courts, and judges etc. and still producing a police force that is looked up to by the public in general. The police there can even intervene in domestic squabbles. Don't get me wrong, there are a great deal of other factors such as the homogenous nature of the Japanese community compared to the multi-cultural US and the strict gun control laws. But if you consider purely from a utilitarian point of view, the Japanese have a more effective justice system.

13 years ago
Reply to  Dagashi84

Well, probably "piss poor" wasn't exactly the right wording ;) There is difference in society to begin with. Just as you said there is a very strict gun control law. Result – extremely low gun violence. US has 2nd amendment – we shoot each other for traffic.
I think a lot comes from culture. Japan having on one hand much more relaxed views on sexuality so you can (or could) buy porn DVDs in vending machines and "love hotels" are widely available, while US is unbelievably shy about sex. And there is also a high level of public obedience in Japan to begin with.
This could be a really interesting sociological study.

13 years ago
Reply to  Shalva_sf

Lol! The 2nd amendment sounds awesome. :) Better not bring it here where I live or we'll all be taking public transport in a week. Is the US really that shy about sex? They make great porn though. :) And they may not have as many love hotels, but the college/dorm sex parties are eye openers. But whatever the views on sexuality, rape is a heinious crime no community should condone, I'm sure you agree with me. And I agree, it's an amazing sociological study :) Makes a great bedtime read actually.

13 years ago
Reply to  Dagashi84

Um, I know not where you live, but I misunderstood, you did not quite catch the purpose of the second amendment. The second amendment to the U.S. Bill of Rights protects the right of the population to keep and bear arms.
If the country you live in banished gun laws, you would likely wish to avoid public transit.
Depending on the city, public transit may be used mainly by the poor, or gangsters, or the generally mentally unbalanced (an unfair grouping of the poor in there, I know. Also, I am aware that in larger cities public transit can be considered the only way to get anywhere in an easy and timely manner. I mean just from personal experience)(also, I am American, in case you had not figured that out. I also, for the record,have never raped, never plan to, and even avoid mangas….I felt like redeeming myself).

And if you were only joking, then please ignore this post. I have a really bad habit of ranting.

13 years ago
Reply to  Oddone2

Thanx for the explanation. I now have a clearer picture on the 2nd Ammendment, which to be honest I had completely no idea of to begin with. And yes I was merely joking. :)
What I meant was, that in my country, it's well nigh impossible to legally bear firearms if you do not belong to some national defense force. I know it's an almost incomprehensible picture to a respectable American such as yourself who place a great emphasis on your rights, but the result here is actually quite satisfactory. I take public transport and I walk around in the night time without too much anxiety. In a way it's thanx to our intense gun prohibition that the gun culture has yet to hit my country. I'm hoping (futilely I'm sure…) that situation will last…..

13 years ago
Reply to  Shalva_sf

Gun control =/= crime control, don't bring that shit here.

13 years ago
Reply to  Vinnie


13 years ago

Because everyone can have guns in possesion doesn't it will be a save country. but if civilian aren't allowed to carry a weapon of course public is more secure because criminal(the low one) don't have acces to weapon.

13 years ago
Reply to  Yue


13 years ago

Gun control is why there are dictators and oppressive governments around the world. How many guys would be less likely to throw acid in schoolgirls faces if they know the result will be them being shot?

The statistic ignores the fact that rape in Islamic countries are not reported because of the potential of honor killings by family member

13 years ago
Reply to  blaquesnake

Actually I think the gun culture is a big problem. When you supply guns to civis it automatically means your average joe thug can get his hands on one. He wouldn't be throwing acid on the schoolgirl then… just pumping her full of lead. I come from a country that's still relatively free of the gun culture. We have our own ways of dealing with acid throwers that get caught… It's generally known as 'mobbing'… Not saying I'm proud of it, but it's actually A LOT worse than getting shot… Even the police hesitate when there's a mob on the job…

13 years ago
Reply to  Dagashi84

In the US, guns are licensed to individual people… If someone uses a legal gun to shoot someone else, then the bullet can be identified and traced back to the barrel that was registered, thus clearly identifying the perpetrator.

I get stories from my dad all the time about this kind of stuff, because he does autopsies in criminal investigations for a living. (Heck I even did a science fair project once on directional blood splatter and how it can be used to determine the angle of a gunshot.)

Anyways ,the vast majority of gun crimes in the US are made with ILLEGAL firearms. IE no amount of gun control laws would have prevented them, because the gun was already ILLEGAL.
The rate of gun crimes in the US has much more to do with socio-economic factors than the number of guns… Just look at canada, which has far more widespread gun ownership than the USA, and a far lower homicide rate.

There is also the argument that doesn't really apply in japan, the fact that there are actually large stretches of wilderness in america, and a gun becomes a very important tool of self defense against wildlife. Just a while ago a man was gored to death by a territorial mountain goat while hiking in the olympic penninsula. My dad ended up doing the autopsy for that one.

13 years ago
Reply to  Dagashi84

The 2nd amendment is for many things, not the least being that it allows the citizens to kill the politicians when necessary. Which is one of the ways we try to keep the bastards honest.

13 years ago

Well… Are you going to rape ugly girls? Yes, I am trolling…

13 years ago
Reply to  Troll

As implied by your handle. Respect to the honesty.

13 years ago
Reply to  Troll

Ha ha, good troll. But seriously… Yes, because rape is not about sex. Never was

13 years ago

Like some of here already said:
Rape statistics are extremely vague.
There are so many different kinds of culture, where rape is handled in so many differend ways.
Yes, I also heard about many women lying, that they were raped, but only from bitter virgins until now. It may happen, but I doubt, that it would make a significand percentage. But again, this will also vary from culture to culture.
On the other side, the unknown numbers will vary even more. Its a well known fact, that rape won’t be reportet by the victim in many cultures, may it be shame, fear or whatever.
So the real list (MADE BY MAGIC)will look very different I guess.

13 years ago
Reply to  lolu

Bitter virgins lying that they were raped? :) Ummmm…. could you explain why? :P

13 years ago

Funny that Sweden is second but I'm not surprised, if you touch a girl here you'll get sentenced with rape, and no one will believe you even if you are not guilty, a little like that Jap movie "god knows it's name because I sure don't" :)

13 years ago

Rape statistics are problematic. Not only because america has 300 million citizens, but also because there are different cultures and civilization levels. Sadly even in Germany sometimes women just won't tell, it's way better then in the past but still. That Japan is so far away from the others doesn't wonder me. The society is still not modern enough.

I think the whole list would look very different if we would have the real numbers. It wouldn't surprise me to see the western world (including Japan) than in the second half and not in the top 10. Oh and of course I think of real rape and not swedish rape.

13 years ago
Reply to  Lanin

Actually, statistics are reported per 100,000 or something like so. So the size of the population doesn't actually affect the statistics too much. But people are so focused on the Eastern countries shushing their rape statistics that they underestimate the degree to which the Western countries does it as well. For example, the 'Date Rape' problem involving the use of drugs is primarily a European and American thing, for the simple fact that drug trafficking is a much bigger problem there, how many of those are actually reported? I'm not saying that Japan for example doesn't have a greater deal of rape then shown. I'm just saying the may not necessarily be so near the top many people think…

13 years ago

I wonder if it takes into account the likelihood of reporting rapes. Can't deny the possibility that this is accurate though.

13 years ago

Conflict between my lady-boner for romantic hentai and my horror of this statistic.

13 years ago

These stats are meaningless, by far African countries would be the highest for rape

As for Japan, their whole culture makes it a cesspool for rape and sexual assault. Their woman just dont report it. Just google Japanese rape and youll find alot of cases that describe in detail their cultural problems.

Theres "Super Free rape case" which was a famous case in Japan where students from the most prestigious college in japan where setting up partys and choosing girls to gang rape, they say hundreds of girls were gang raped yet only 1 came forward.

Then theres a case where an australian woman was raped by a US marine in japan, the police wanted here to reinact her rape for photos (like any rape vicitm would want that), she then sued the police and now shes speaking out about rape in japan.

Theres Also a case where a girl was raped on a train in front of 40 passengers yet nobody intervened, they all assumed it was a lovers quarrel, the girl was sobbing and not putting up a fight.

So yeah Japanese woman are useless, they dont fight back against rape both during and after it, western woman do and thus more rape is reported.

13 years ago


yeah keep your woman away from japan, better be safe than sorry

13 years ago

There is more than % in Japan ?
I thought all girl who was raped in japan fall in love with the guy or start to be a whore or are confined in the rapist house.
And Hentaï never lie so it's true !

13 years ago

tzar omg thats a wtf !

13 years ago

WHAT THE FUCK? Sweden second? I am ashamed.

13 years ago

Japan have really lax laws when it comes to protecting woman against rape, infact they are more strict in regards to Protecting personal property than rape

their police procedures when a rape is reported are really drawn out and traumatic for the victims who pretty much have to relive their ordeal all over again for their case. Its no wonder they dont report it. Also their medical response to rape is almost non existant.

In the USA rape is a serious crime, the procedures are way better and focus on minimizing the stress on the vicitm as well as fast action against the rapist. They get medical evidence ASAP and hostiptalls train in dealing with rape victims.

these stats only show USA deals with rape and rape is reported, for japan to have only that low is kinda disturbing seeing as their most common porn genre centers around rape. I would bet that its a whole lot higher than that its just the rape victims arent getting justice and the rapists are still on the streets raping more girls

13 years ago
Reply to  pollux

connecting rape to the type of popular porn is on the same logical level as connecting video games to violent kill sprees, statistical correlation does not causation make, but i digress…

13 years ago
Reply to  radiobutton

Thank you. I could not have said it better myself.

General Hentai
General Hentai
13 years ago

A reminder of an old saying:
There are lies.
There are damn lies.
And there are statistics.

A quick Google came up with a video from October 2010, on Youtube, which was a campaign about Japan not having a single 24-hour rape crisis center. The recent rape of a 60 Minutes reporter in Tahir Square in Egypt has again pointed out that that polling shows that there is an enormous amount of sexual harrassment and groping of women in Egypt, yet Egypt does't even make the list. Consider how Islamic law has to have 4 people testify that it was rape, otherwise she might get executed, non-reporting in many Islamic countries is a fact.

Rape is vastly underreported in Japan, as it is in India, Asia, Muslim countries and Africa, to name a few places.

13 years ago

Like a friend up there said: it is a cultural problem that is beyond of what country have higher rates of rape, since men consider women as inferior, since of that single moment, there came the crack thought that if it is less need to subdue him and humiliate him, and the best way to subdue a woman is through still a violation?, so be it!, moreover, as a men, a few enjoy it or not?.

Moreover, the Japanese are masters for the humiliation, besides being a very macho culture, and also quite hypocritical, only to know that the basic beginnings of female verbal expression are different from those of men gives you an idea, I live in Venezuela, in South America, and i have practiced Chikan Densha, and i'm not kidding when I say this, the woman enjoy it and not even know her!!, why? because we are a liberal culture, but instead of breaking hers dignitys and hers minds we adjust to our taste, if you know your limits, or rather, if the girl has no limits, why attempting to do it with one that has them? just to give you the pleasure of feeling strong?

I think it's more a problem of men, not women, I have friends who are 35 years of age and have sex with 5 women, and of those 5, 3 have children with him, and they know that he have other women, but they do not care as long as you give them what they need!!!
And finally, here the girls from the age of 14 are looking for sex partners, remain illegal until 16, but if it is consensual the girl will not say anything and do not have to humiliate or threaten them with death or something like that to get to, believe it or not that kind of culture in the mangas, ero-anime and JAV it does is distort the vision of reality, because you think that in Japan men has become so fashionable to use ona-hole?

13 years ago
Reply to  ikegami

Agree with you except on the macho culture part. The "macho" culture in Japan is going the way of the dodo bird and is being replaced by "grass" men aka herbivore men. LOL then the JP government wonders why they have a low birth rate? Because all the "grass men" would rather sit around diddling themselves to their latest loli manga (or marry their DS dating sim character) instead of dating real women.

13 years ago

Can't trust the numbers from Japan, most women don't report rape on account of the way the Japanese Police handle a rape. It's a downright shame the way they try to make it seem like the person who was raped was at fault. No rape kit is done either, Japanese legal system = fail.

13 years ago

Here is the story I was thinking about when i posted my last comment. Classic JP fail

13 years ago

The countries with the most rapes are third world nations where there’s a lot of civil strife. A break down of the social order allows the animals to run wild. Hell, in the Dem. Rep. of Congo, they actually hunt and eat certain types of people thinking it will give them magic powers. I kid you not.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bob

that's one disturbing fact o_O

13 years ago
Reply to  Bob

Also, in some of those countries rape is considered a weapon in the arsenal of the aggressor to use. I read something about this just recently, if it's sanctioned it's not a crime and it's not going to be reported. Its not necessarily that population skews these things, it comes down more to how civilized is that populations government. Save your kevlar bodice for jaunts over to a 3rd world country where odds are good that as a woman you may not even be considered a person.

13 years ago
Reply to  Snake

Actually, as sick and sad as it is, rape has almost always been a weapon of the aggressor in war.

13 years ago
Reply to  Uji

Rape and war tend to go hand in hand unfortunately, however whether or not it is sanctioned for use in demoralizing the populace and destroying resistance is what I was driving at. American, Canadian, British, Japanese and many other countries don't sanction this activity by their troops and typically take action against the perpetrator if it is within their own ranks. That's not always the case in some of the 3rd world civil war and genocidal conflicts. If you don't think someone has a right to exist, you've already stopped thinking of them as a human being, which makes any horror perpetrated on a person completely excusable with that set of logic.

13 years ago
Reply to  Snake

I am canadian, no we don't sanction our military for using rape on the enemy for mostly two reasons. First, we don't think we NEED to, it is not an action that is tolerated here, if the law system don't punish you, someone else will. Secound, our military sucks, we have hardly any ressources to make war on a foreign country. For example, the main reason our troops are in Afganistan right now is because our Prime Minister coudn't say no when the USA President asked him to send troops over there.

13 years ago

Sweden is way up top because unlike a lot of other countries, we actually investigate and convict a lot of rapists. We’re far from perfect, but generally rapists don’t get away with it once the wheels of justice are started. However…

…those of you saying that Swedish rape is just women screaming about being touched, I suspect you’re all Assange-fans who are unaware of the fact that Assange is *not* accused of rape. Seriously. The whole “he’s a rapist!” shit is a myth propagated by various sensationalist media (most of them). What he *is* accused of is several minor forms of illegal molestation, which is not the same thing at all.

As for guns, yes, most gun crime is committed with illegal guns. However, those guns were all *legal*once. Illegal guns don’t just pop into existence out of nowhere as illegal, they were once bought and paid for legally, and *then* either sold illegally or stolen by criminals. And *that’s* why having various guns as a common self defense method in a society is in the long run self-destructive.

…note that Sweden has a *lot* of guns per person. It’s just that most of them are hunting rifles owned by a very small percentage of the populace, and they’re fairly strictly controlled (hunter licenses in Sweden are a lot more difficult to get than US gun licenses, and you pretty much need one to even get a gun license here).

13 years ago
Reply to  Snafujack

Wrong. Most illegal guns in the US are made in Europe/South America and smuggled in. Nice try, thanks for playing, k thx bai.

Proven fact that an armed citizenry reduces crime, at least here in the US. Deal with it.

13 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Would be serious, but too tired.

Would Troll, but too tired.

Quick summary: Nice Straw-man argument there my friend. Now please dutifully source it and I might believe you.

Closing comment: The easier it is for the general populace to get guns legally or illegally, the higher the chance of someone mentally unstable getting their hands on them. Just going to mention Columbine, Virginia Tech, Beltway, and 2011 Tucson.

13 years ago

Finland and other northern europe countries are primarily so high because of the increasing amount of immigrants from Africa or some other developing countries. Last stats I've heard here in Finland about rapes are that 8/10 rape cases involve foreign male…

13 years ago

I have to be honest with you Oliver, you seriously screwed up on this one! Using 2 decade old data to support your America hating rhetoric is not only childish, it's flat out wrong! Especially considering so many of your visitors are from America. In no time at all your visitors were able to find data that contradicted yours and your "conclusion" You NEED TO APOLOGIZE for you transgression and check yourself were your behavior is concerned. Just because people like your website (and i am one of them) does not mean they are going to let you get away with outright slander and lies!

13 years ago

The sad truth of the fact is that upon doing abit of research many crimes go under reported in Japan. Alot of this attitude has to do with the mindset of the Japanese themselves. As for rape many wives do not report what their husbands do and many husbands do not consider whatever they do to their wives as any kind of abuse. Japan is far from the perfect or ideal society.

13 years ago

Just reading down through this and I'm thinking you should change the title to 'Just a clarification, to start more discussions'.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Snake

Yeah -_-

13 years ago

The following are statistics from 2009: (100,00)
1. Lesotho 91.6
2. Sweden 53.2
3. New Zealand 30.9
4. United States of America 28.6
5. Belgium 26.3
6. Zimbabwe 25.6
7. United Kingdom (England and Wales) 24.1
8. United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) 22.3
9. Iceland 21.6
10. Norway 19.8

Japan 1.2
Source: United Nations Office of Drug and Crime Statistic Report

13 years ago

Oliver if anyone deserves to be raped it's you for putting a picture of your new born baby on an adult site, you sick fuck. I hope you get raped with a big bloody aids cock.

13 years ago
Reply to  jeremy

Um, is that really necessary? It was your choice to read this article. You could have skipped it. Also, you obviously have not seen his clarification post.
Also, for him, this isn't like 4chan, and he just randomly posted a pic to be stared at by the masses. This is his site. He is the sole admin for this site, and he posted it with the mindset of a proud father. It was also some explanation for why he had not posted for some days previous to it.
Finally, that was quite some time ago. Its time to forget about it.If it really bothers you he did that, you can just not visit the site, though you would be missing out on the quality content Oliver posts here (and of course I mean the hentai, so as not to give you the chance to twist my words).

13 years ago
Reply to  Oddone2

Kudos dood, I think you replied amazingly well. Only a moron could read something unreasonable in what you've posted.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Oddone2

Don't bother yourself, Oddone, when someone posts stupid lines like that, the problem lies inside the brain of that person, and in there only. It's best to leave deranged people in peace, otherwise their crap could stain your own clothes.

13 years ago
Reply to  jeremy

ahem… Jeremy?

"Trolling", "talks between grown-ups", and most importantly "what the f… does your post has to do with what we were talking about"… Rings a bell?

Take a deep breath before posting next time, pal. Lots of other internauts didn't like what they read either, but they explained it in a much more mature and civil way.

=> +1 Oddone2

13 years ago
Reply to  jeremy

Hey, if you don't like HIS site don't come to it. The guy puts in Hell of an effort and all we do is leech off him, the least we could do is be grateful. Besides, people see what they want to see. And what the majority of us see is a sweet picture of a child who was blessed with an open minded father who unselfishly spends a good deal of his time providing pornography to the rest of the world. What do YOU see?

13 years ago

That argument that women in Japan don't report rape is total bullshit. We all kñow they take it really seriously there. They even have train coaches reserved for women. I don't think a country that goes to such lengths to actually protect women from rapists has qualms about asmitting the problem openly.

13 years ago

Well from what ikonw the japanese culure tends to a very maleness cuture…but i dont think we should blame Oliver for posting this poll this is his PAGE after all… I believe that he simply wanted to see what we thought about rape nothing more than that… there is nobody to blame for this simply the people how did it, instead we shouldnt be….screamiing or bean hostile with one another instead we should think about positive solutions and post them somewhere where they can be see and heard………..but this is never the easiest road but who said "Doing the right thing is easy"

I live in Guatemala the ·#1 country on violence as far i know but i am not complaning because I know that i have to keep moving forward regardling about the negative thing that happen on my sorounding and always think in a positive way, because if i get depressed by it I will never be able to move foward, being able to withstand those things and being able stop being the protagonist of my life and streach my hand to help other is thing i can do…but if more people where able to do it…….thing would change not just for me but for everyone

13 years ago

Don't forget that a large number are statutory (of the get away from my daughter type) and other countries have lower ages of consent.

An are male rapes included in these stats? Cause apparently, that only happens in the U.S

13 years ago

Japanese girls get the mind break syndrome so when they're raped they get addicted and beg for more.! lolz