66 comments later, and counting -_-
My post about rape statistics met more reactions than I was expecting. And I’m sparing you the love emails.
Allright, I love these moments so much, time for a clarification about the clarification. I write my thoughts in unsorted order.
– I wrote the first comment myself, stating clearly this was a troll post. Better NEVER take troll subjects too seriously, everyone.
– If you can’t stand to have a joke made at you, you’re very unlucky and I feel sympathy and sadness for you. My country’s renowed for several flaws, almost all of them true, sadly, there’s nothing to brag about it… But hey, you’re welcome to pull pranks at us, after all, they ARE fun. I openly laugh at others because I accept by principle all laughs at me. The fact we’re more and more turning into a Banana Republic is both shameful and deeply amusing from the outside. Even so, if you’re American and you’ve been offended, I’m sorry then, that wasn’t my intention
– I sincerely believed in the veracity of the stats I gave, and I really didn’t manage to find more recent stats, really thanks to the persons who gave better stats. Finally, there’s worse than USA even among developed countries – hey, is that reassuring ?
– Of course Japan and Asia are underrating stats, of course Sweden’s overrating them (heck, they even got the “swedish rape” term popularized over the interweb), of course Africa’s absolutely untrustworthy for lack of valid stats (you can only infer pussies are mostly unsafe in there, regrettably). Still, you’ve got to do with what you have, as biased as stats may be, and raw stats are better than “hand-corrected” stats that would turn even less trustworthy.
All right, now you may still comment, me, I’m done with the subject
U post troll post without size 72 font warning in big bold letters.
Fuck it Oliver. People would come back here even if you posted that stuff everyday.
I'll give you the exact content of my first comment on the other post
Anyone can troll.
But professionals do it better
To Oliver per Allen: 'People would come back here even if you posted that stuff everyday.' True! >I< do, but not for the social commentary! You may be jusified, but I can rant better on Yahoo blogs!
You noticed you're relaunching a 2011 discussion ?
It should be noted that while Japan may have a lower rape stat, they did export systematic rape during much of the 20th century. They were unimaginably brutal. And living in a shame based society, they inflicted untold psychological damage on their own people who could not handle the shame of losing a war to those they considered subhuman.
Look, you don't want me to lock the comments, don't you ?
While I wouldn't say that the Japanese exported rape for "much of the 20th century," he is correct in that they were especially brutal to local populations and enemy soldiers during World War II.
Why? Because he has a point? Because he's not simply trolling with something made up, but something that's actually TRUE?
Nothing SheepinRevolt said there is inaccurate. Not even the "much of the 20th century" bit, because even after Japan lost WW2 and their soldiers were no longer systematically raping all the women in conquered territories of Asia (i.e."comfort women"), the sex slave trade rooted in Japanese Yakuza continued and is still alive and strong to this day all throughout Asia.
A lot of hentai fans are anime fans, and a lot of anime fans are Japanophiles who adore everything about Glorious Nippon.
But Nippon ain't actually so Glorious, folks. Japan has made great strides in the last several decades, but it's still a highly xenophobic society (albeit more passive than, say, China or India) that's only a few generations removed from an attitude of outright barbarism towards any and all foreigners… and that legacy's influence remains today to a greater degree than people would like to think.
Is anyplace really glorious?
(Aside from Norway? – Anyplace with a State Philosopher has my vote for being glorious.)
Every country has a dark and morbid background, well for some its a foreground of ongoing atrocities… its pretty much a giant history of human being generally smeggy to other humans, and to animals, the earth, plants, the air… we really don't play nice with others on the whole.
'Cause they raping everybody out here.
I've heard fluffy yiffy puppies were safe on week days.
Wait, people were pissed off because of your joke about the U.S….?
Shit, yes.
Goddamn it, people, develop a sense of humor, the quality of your life will greatly improve.
Ha! I don't understand why Americans get pissed from some jokes from a Frenchman. The way they always butchered France, and Canada for that matter, on their sitcoms.
I hate french berets, baguettes and their beautiful actresses.
You'd better hate our politicians.
Being invited by billionaires on holidays ? Signing golden public contracts with these millionaires' companies later ? Sure.
Making family members make lucrative under-estimated deals with companies belonging to criminals or clans linked to dictators ? Sure.
Selling to Bahrein the weapons that killed hundreds of persons and traning the military that shot those weapons ? Sure. Don't ask yourself why France was inaudible while northern Africa was exploding, everybody's in too deep shit and wetting pants at the idea of getting caught the hand in the jam pot.
Ridiculing the country, destroying its image, ruining european efforts ? Sure.
Please, keep on hating us for berets, baguettes and actresses
Like this isn't a politician stereotype. It's an valid stereotype, though.
French is cool and stuff. They sold us some jets, I'm learning french and I have french passport.
Don't be hating on french.
What? Not hating the french? These damn neighbors of me, who we lost the second WW on? Never stop hating them! : P XD
Geez like it's of any matter where you were born or what waste paper you have in your wallet. All states are just in our heads and all borders are truely just artificial.
I'm a german with roots in poland and aunts&unkles in canada. So what?
Get over these border-thinking already. Every country has issues, because in every country living humans.
bhwa. Waste of time anyway… as if anyone here is interessted in anything else than their own massive production of babbling.
I'm now going to look at some nice H-pics and fapping.. bye folks.
I love Edith Piaf. God bless her!
That's why I read mangas indoors–everybody is getting raped out here.
all the stat were wrong because they forgot to included in the hentai world .. :p
More up-to-date Rape Statistics can be found at the link below. They cite the UN from 1998 to 2008, fyi.
I'm american and i thought it was funny. Cuz deep down inside i know that 85% of all statistics are made up anyways
adding a single raep uncensored manga link to the original trollpost would have converted all possible troll hint and serious statistical study into pure sti(n)cky fap energy output.
As an american living in a town only known for being the hometown of the creator of The Twilight Zone and carousels I know what right and wrong is but I could give a fuck. Dolphins. They got the goddamn UN to talk about even considering that dolphins should be acknowledged as a sentient species, that should tell you a lot about those swimming wolf-packs. DOLPHINS LOVE TO RAPE. They will kill a mother's child right in front of it to cause her to stress into estrus just so they can get their fuck on, gangrape her and bust one out, just for fun. No other species on this world really gives a fuck about rape unless the raper is in their way of gettin their own rape on. We are the only species here on earth that actually thinks (for the most part) that polygamy, violence, inequality and non-consensual intercourse between the sexes is in any way wrong. You may say thats what separates us as "higher" beings from the beasts but it also takes us further and further away making us more and more incompatible with nature. I have met women that cry bloody foul murder if you creampie them, they wanted to get some sexxin on too but thats a no-no. How is that not unnatural… ITS SEX, what the hell did you think was going to happen, muffins?!
God, thy rant be done.
That's true for the dolphins, but there are lots of species with quite the opposite behaviour : species which form couples for life, species based on matriarchy, or the famous sexcrazed but peaceful bonobos (8 coitus/day with males and females)…
As a species, we're not so different from the other beings, we haven't evolve as much as we would believe since we started walking on two feet. But as individuals, we must be able to choose for ourselve. You don't creampie a girl you barely know, you dolphin !
Yeah, most of what you say is true like how geese pairing and mating for life and such but what I mean is how it becomes such an outcry of an atrocity when in most other species if it doesn't pertain to them directly (like their mate gettin banged), they mostly don't give a fuck with their "well, it sucks to be he- oooh! Grass!" attitude and as for the Bonobos, where did you read they were peaceful?! The study I read about them showed how that their matriarchal society was hell of a lot more violent and destructive then any other patriarchal primate society by miles and miles!
"You don't creampie a girl you barely know"
I read hentai, you're barking up the wrong brick wall… =/
Never heard that about the bonobos … Just wiki them ! They say that they're the less likely to use violence among the primates, because a lot of their conficts are resolved by sex.
About the animals having a mate-relationship, as far as i know, they are protective with each other. They give a fuck about it.
All in all, it won't get us far to compare human's and animal's sexual behaviours (except for the fun of it). For each (twisted) example, you can find a counter-example, Such a world we live in ^^
Thanks for the "clarification" Oliver. That was a class move. That is also one of the things your country is known for i believe.
rape is just outright hilarious
New statistics out for the U.S.
People who believe everything on the internet is true. With most used answers!
New York .02% "Are you out of your fucking mind? Do I look like a statistic to you?"
Atlanta 70% "Wha you mean them girls really don't like donkeys?"
Dallas 40% "What? We were tech support till they found out India was cheaper. The other 60% work in defense industries. They don't care as long as something they build is used to bomb something."
Denver 61% "You no what fun? Getting Drunk then getting to the top of a mountain, Then get stoned before skiing down it! Sometime you don't know where the hell your waking up at!"
Los Angeles incomplete % "The Internet? Is that what my Email goes through before it gets to my Iphone? Sorry, I don't have time. I've got an appointment with the spa before the sunset party on my boat. "
NY is 0.02? While every girl i know carries (at least mace) i know there are a lot of dumb tourists in ny. Not to mention high teenagers.
I LOL’d til I cried. Well played.
A giant problem with rape stats people are quoting IS THAT THEY'RE NOT COUNTING HUMAN TRAFFICKING.
So, for example, how about a post discussing the prolific Yakuza sex slave trade in Japan that the government on both the local and federal level deliberately chooses to ignore because
1.) Yakuza has powerful lobbyists within the government itself
2.) There's a "gentleman's" (I use the term sarcastically) agreement between the gangsters and police/politicans not to kidnap Japanese girls and women for the trade, but rather only the importation of non-Japanese slaves (mostly from Thailand) for Japanese 'buyers'.
If we throw in this, Japan has more de facto 'rape' than any other industrialized nation by several orders of magnitude.
Well, except for China, possibly, but there's no telling regarding that since the government censures so much information.
As an American… I will say it right now Oliver, I'm sorry for all the /ultra/ patriotic idiots in my country : (
Hope that makes you feel better there atleast 1 here who doesn't get offended by things that trivial.
edit /-/
Read the comments, man. They're not so bad. Mostly they're anti-Japanese, really.
Of course, they are trying to lift the guilt off of themselves. Look at World War 2. The Japanese military did not rape or murder no where near as much as the Americans claim(or did themselves), yet you hear all the reports of Japanese atrocities. The Americans are just trying to justify the must inhumane, evil act ever(Atomic Bombs). They are filthy creatures.
I wonder how much foreign aid we filthy creatures give to your country for free? By the way, the computer and the internet you are using to bash America were invented in the US. We have our problems to be sure, but no one gives as much financial aid, medical aid, civil engineering aid, educational aid, and more than we do. We started the UN and are the main contributors to its mission in the world. All of this could never be done by filthy creatures.
A British man created the World Wide Web
Well he probably thought he was american since he's an english-speaker…
Anyway, to call americans filthy creatures is wrong, but the use of atomic bombs were an extremely inhumane and evil act. Sure, it put an end to the war but the war had pretty much ended already and they've could've picked better spots to show off their power.
The war had pretty much ended? Please jump off a cliff. I say this as a historian.
Wrong again.
Wrong again.
And you are getting this info from where?!?! I really hope you are trolling…. say what you want about the US, no other did country did more to reconstruct the world after WW2. Btw, i am saying this as a Brit.
Is there a reason as why a lot of people are badmouthing japan? i mean, every country got blacksheeps…
The so called traditionnal nippon human trafficking is not an exception, look into every country, to east europe or southwest usa…
Stop those bullshits plz.
I am from Germany, I also hate France !
Please leave if you cannot develop a sense of humor. Seriously.
Americans are just mad they are the most evil people
You should just block American ISP, then we don't have to deal with that scum anymore. Just by your comments over the last years I can tell you despise them as well(You always say its joking but the Americans are ALWAYS the butt of your joke, so obviously you hate them) so you might as well block them Oliver.
Don't block all American ISPs, not all of us are as bad as the internet portrays. I'm not butt hurt over this and I don't really see why a lot of people are getting worked up. The point is that a human did something horrible to another human. It shouldn't matter where it happened, the only thing that should matter is that it happened.
On a side note, thanks Oliver for everything you do, keep doing your thing.
Yeah, and Japs loves eating dolphins, circle is complete.
Nao we need moar dolphins raep stuff, i think we ca begin with a great “this ain’t Ponyo” anime.
C'mon people, jokes are jokes, you just made them and let people to laugh or get pissed off at, what use is to care about what was done? xD Peace!
I won't comment this topic , I'm too afraid of FBI agents searching antipatriotic stuff !
The True reason the Japanese hat whale and dolphin!
or if that does not work. Linky
I am very sad to say to all of you people that Japan only lose in real rape (violence against women and children) to Africa.