Redirection page : O.RI’s works on Hentairules
THIS is the page I will update with the list of all the works by O.RI. that I share on Hentairules.
O.RI, this is strange, unusual stuff, I tell you. The scenarii are usually happy brainless sex, but graphically, the artist likes pubeless bodies and is playing with censorship, trying to avoid it by avoiding occasions to have to create explicit representations of the genitalia zones, only half-representing them… I can’t say I adore it, but well, if you like it, I won’t blame you either
Here are the covers of the works by O.RI shared on hentairules, and below them are the links to the gallery and download pages.
White Angel [English, 196 pictures]
Family Play [English, 238 pictures]
Harem Castle [English, 220 pictures]
Minna No Oneesan [English, 189 pictures]
Maid Club [English, 169 pictures]
O.Ri's work is decent, even if the stories are always braindead.
Link and name clarification:…
Thanks Oliver-san, I have 4 of these 6 titles already.
There may be more? – I will get back to you about that ASAP.
O.Ri rocks when it comes to f@%king up the censors, most of his stuff just has a little tiny see-through dot which I like to re-colour pink & pretend is the girls clit! =D
Not really a big fan of his cos-play scenarios, most of the girls seem to lack any understanding of the characters they are playing (one dominatrix type was so bad, made me go to 'Nana To Kaoru' to get my slap on! FYI: that is an MA15+ MAINSTREAM manga!)
Never the less, as the late great Douglas Adams once said: 'Share and Enjoy'!
I look forward to your next tasty treat <3