Mahou No Dennou Shoujo Maria [English, 202 pictures], by Wanyanaguda
I couldn’t use this manga as fapping materials, but, boy, I laughed a lot while reading it, thanks SO much to YQII and Thorw ! ^^
The first half, simply said, is freaking Tron (the original, not the new one in which Daft Punk’s talent went to waste) the way it would have been if it had taken place inside the hentai universe (and under LSD, probably). The second half pales in comparison, but it’s not too bad either.
And, graphically, the preview pics should be clear enough, it’s typical old-school mostly censored drawings, with around 70-75% of the sex being futa. Like it, dislike it, it’s up to you. Me, I found it good-looking, but since it’s mostly futa, I concentrated on the scenario, and I thoroughly enjoyed it
By the same artist, I also share Kannazuki no Shimai.
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(61 MB, 202 pictures, English)
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Mostly Futa you say?
<Looks down> [flacid] <Looks up>
I'll pass.
Have to say I liked it. Quiet funny indeed XD
The G Gundam reference in part 3 was hilarious.
Didn't quite like it…
but had to comment for one thing:
Damn right Daft Punk's talent went straight to waste with that movie. Loved the first movie when i was a kid, was looking forward to Tron Legacy jsut cause of the soundtrack by Daft Punk… a real waste.